So lately, I've been so caught up in getting a new story out of my head that I've been neglecting writing on pretty much anything else. And I think it's a little bit crazy. So, it started out that I was reading some Doctor Who fictions and that of course progressed to Doctor Who crossovers. There are tons of them out there, but funny enough, I've only found one that crossed Doctor Who with Dark Angel. And I really wanted to read something like that. So of course, when you can't find what you want, you either keep wanting or you do it yourself.
So the Dark Angel/ Doctor Who crossover was born on my computer. It started off well, but then there were a lot of unanswerable questions within the fiction itself. So I backtracked and started again. Thought to myself, why not just have some silly fun with it. A one shot turned into five chapters and then the plot was sort of born and I could see future chapters playing out in my mind.
Working on chapter twelve now and I'm wondering about posting it. Once it's edited and cleaned up a little bit. Maybe I'm crazy and no one will want to read it. Well, other than myself. I'll obviously post it here, but as of yet, I doubt people are checking in on this blog regularly. If at all...
But it just kind of irks me because Doctor Who gets crossed with tons of things out there. Among them, shows that are no longer on the air. Has Dark Angel been mined so much that no one considers it among the outer possibilities? I mean, Buffy, no longer on the air, but in comics, along with a lot of other shows of it's ilk. Yeah, I get that.
Oh damn, must end the ranting before it gets out of hand. Just figured that I want the story. I make the story. If someone else wants it, maybe one day a future post of this story once it's posted will show up in a search and I can satisfy a happy little craving, lol.