More than a year has passed since my last post. I feel as if nothing and yet everything has changed. Personally at least. The anger is one of the major things that I am seeming to be able to let go of. So much has happened in this past year, and none of it is really my stuff, though I am affected by it. It's been over two years since my divorce and moving back home. There are still major changes coming to my life and that of my children, but I feel that we are in a much better place to deal with them.
As to my writing, I finally put a challenge on myself. There was two challenges actually that I decided to accept. The first was a 30 day, 30 minute challenge, that I combined with a 1000 words per day challenge. So far, I have written things entirely for myself, but I am writing on average, 30-45 minutes per day (not including essays for school in this) and averaging anywhere from 1500-2000 words per day. So I am in good shape there.
The other writing challenge that I decided to try out is a 52 prompt challenge. This one relates to writing my life story. Each week takes a different aspect of my life growing up and I can write as little or as much as I want about the topic. Not doing so well with that one as classes picked up this last week and I missed my weekly deadline. So I'll try and work on it today.
I think something else I might challenge myself to is to try and update this blog at least once a month in this coming year. It's a good place for me because it is and always has been, my place.