Friday, November 11, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 11

Ah, things are starting to go fantastic for me, now that I have a game plan in mind. I started working on my fanfiction novel this month and it was slow going at first. I had the plot all set out. I wasn't sure about the characterization, but it has been coming together, now that I have most of the exposition and back story stuff out of the way. I'm moving into the meat of the story. It's really flowing and I'm feeling that special satisfaction once I come to a stopping point in the story, usually the end of a chapter. This is ending up a his her counterpoint of views per chapter, so at this point, I'm writing out all of her chapters and then at the halfway point, I will go back to his side of the story. I know that the story won't be finished at the end of the month, but that's okay, since I wasn't going to post this one until it was complete anyways. Most specifically because it is a new fandom that I am trying out and I want the chance to tweak things before I present it to the public for consumption. It just tickles me that even with headaches, migraines, knee problems and a kids birthday to deal with so far, I've only missed one day of writing. No second week slumps for me!

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