Monday, March 30, 2020

Camp Wrimo 2020

Well, I am starting to get excited about starting up Wrimo again. I've been checking back and getting organized. I still don't know precisely what I'm going to be working on. It might just be some random stuff that I haven't touched in a while that people were really into. That might be for the best because if I start something new, I might lead a revolt against my writing self. I was looking at some stuff that hasn't been updated in over 5 years. It's kind of scary. So here's to psyching myself up to get back into the saddle!

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Making A Comeback!!

Hell again!

...listens to crickets chirping...

Of course, it's always felt like that around here. Not that I mind. I just wanted to get it out there that I have not forgotten about my writing, or my blogging.

I just have focused more on other things.

Like my family, with new added members.


I won't be posting pictures of the grandbaby, but the itty-bitty one does exist. So exciting.

Anyhow, I am going to be updating some more of the fiction chapters that I have ready to go and working on the fictions that people having been waiting on, dedicated to...

Which is WAAAAAYYYY more that I deserve.

See you readers soon!