Friday, October 31, 2014

Another Year of NaNo

This really sucks. I keep thinking about this, over the court of time and yet, it just doesn't seem important enough.

I really have lost interest in writing. Not lost interest in ever doing it again, but it just seems like so much else has gone on. Since my divorce, where I've recovered my life, moving back to my home town, being the sole supporter of myself and my kids, working, going back to school, I just haven't had time. But worse than that I haven't had the inclination.

I've given it a lot of thought and think that perhaps, because of the situation I was in, married, living in a foreign country, cut off from my family… I think I was writing purely as an escape from all of that. And now that I'm no longer trying to escape the hell that was my life, because that has definitely been accomplished, I no longer feel this driving urge to complete these fantasy worlds that I can retreat to in my mind.

I mean yes, I still think of story lines and conversations my characters might have, but there is no "write it or die!" urge screaming at me anymore.

All that said,  I think I am going to go ahead and give NaNo a good steam and see what I can manage to churn out. Maybe I'll relearn how to carve out small chunks of chapters at a time until they are done. I just have to remember not to start a whole bunch of new things until I get the old things done!


  1. It's still good to hear from you and hope you & your family are doing well. I enjoy your work esp with Dark Angel & X-Men, but being a mother I encourage you to do what you think is best. Either way take care, and hope to hear from you in the near future. Thank you for sharing your creative talents. :)

  2. Kat here,

    I'm sorry that real life has been sucking so badly. I can't imagine what you've been going through.

    You are an amazingly talented writer and I hope you don't give up on it. That being said, I certainly understand what it's like when the words just won't come. I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish you'd continue with your fics, particularly When It Changes, Waking Hours, and Only The Lonely; and can only hope the creative juices start flowing for you once more.

    All the best to you, and try to keep your chin up. :)
