Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The bitch that spawned Satan

The title of this post is not as cool as it seems. I was thinking about calling it the bitch from hell, but that's just not nasty enough for this woman that I am rapidly coming to despise again.

My mother in law.

Oh yeah, I've got one of those. And even my husband agrees that she is very often heinous. Thankfully he is adopted.

So get this, she calls me up this morning to tell me that she mailed me a letter. Okay, fine. There was a question that my husband had that she answered, since she didn't have the answer when she was visiting. There were also some things that she felt "needed to be said". What the hell is that? There are so many things that she likes to bitch about. What the hell is she going to choose from this time? What, we don't go to church even though there is one just down the block? Is she pissy about my daughter's boyfriend. Offended because I didn't let her go into the basement because the sub flooring needs to be replaced and it's dangerous to just wander around there. Or jeeze, maybe I didn't brush my kids hair just exactly fucking right!!! And yes, she has complained about that very thing before.

This is the woman that had a major hand in a nearly decade long depression that I underwent, the woman that drove my husband to drink at an early age, the woman that offended my mother with nearly every sentence she spoke. (For fuck's sake, after we left her house once, she took out every single dish that my mother had just washed, FOR HER, and re-washed them because she didn't trust the job my mother did.) This woman is the reason my second child remained a bed wetter until she was seven, forcing her to wear pull-ups and overnight diapers with a plastic sheet on the bed whenever she visited grandma's house. This year, she is one of the reasons that my eldest child enrolled in summer school, just so she would have an excuse not to visit grandma. My second child got a job that lasted all summer for partially the same reason. My third child visited her and wanted at first to stay for a month. She came home after ten days. This is the woman that caused me to be ostracized in my husband's hometown because everyone there despised her and painted me with the same brush from association by marriage.

Now don't get me wrong, aside from the bed wetting issue, she's never physically harmed my children, but the psychological damage is far outweighing any positive influence that she might possibly ever had.

And the thing that really gets me was that I went fucking out of my way to be nice to her, to help her spend time with my kids without my interference, to even defend her words and actions to my kids. (Just some stuff about the internet and being mindful of how their actions now can have consequences down the road. That's actually stuff I agree with.)

But this, telling me that she's sent me a letter that she felt that she had to explain before I've even read it. To tell me that if there was anything in there that offended me, that she hoped I would read it in the loving spirit that it was intended in. Basically she was telling me that she knows I will be offended and hurt by what she wrote, but I should forgive her regardless.

Well fuck you bitch!!!! You cunt whore, anal retentive spawn of fucking pure evil dark!!! Take that crop you whipped the fucking horse you rode in on and shove it up your ass! Repeatedly!

Regardless of what she wrote, there won't be forgiveness. There will be cutting her out of my life to the greatest extent that I have. Because I am tired of her judgement on a minor snapshot that she has of my life. This is it. It's over. I no longer have a mother in law and the day that she dies, I will dance on her fucking grave!

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