Friday, August 12, 2011

Premier Rant!

Okay, it's official, I had to start my own blog about whatever it's going to be because I hate fb, twitter, lj and all those "social networking" type sites. And why do I hate them? Because for supposedly being my page, it leaves an awful lot of room for other people to stick their noses into my business. For being my page, and being a slightly sensitive to others person, I am feeling an overwhelming need to self edit. That doesn't strike me as fair. Put it this way, recently my parents, sister, brother and niece came to visit. It was pretty good. Had it's ups and downs. But when they got home, my father immediately jumped onto his fb page and informed everyone that it was the vacation from hell.

I was devastated.

I went out of my way to open up my home to my family, to see my niece for only the second time in her six years of life and this is what they say. Well, I could understand if he had said it was the trip home from hell, since they had a lot of mishaps between my house and theirs. But no, my father specifically said vacation and moreover, anyone that commented on that, got an earful about just how awful it was. I didn't realize that since they volunteered to drop my child of at the other grandparents house on the way back, that somehow all of their accidents became my fault.

Yes dad, I deliberately raced ahead of you to scare a deer out of the ditch so that you could hit it with the truck. Yes dad, I inherited your blowhard ways and made it so windy so that when you forgot to roll up the awning on your fifth wheel camper, it tore the damn thing off. And yes dad, it's all my fault that you are such a lousy driver that you have at least three accidents or traffic tickets a year.

Whew! Felt good to let that out. But if I had done that on my fb account, there would be at least ten guaranteed comments ranging from the joking to the offended. And considering that it is my account, I should be allowed to express how I feel about a personal situation without the censure I know I would receive. So how do I solve this? Create a blog to vent and not tell my family and close friends about it.


Well, I can certainly see why my brother deleted his fb account.We're getting dangerously close to the situation I was in with lj. There, it turns out that my ex-sister in law was reading all of my posts and then ripping on me behind my back. And then, my brother didn't even have the balls to tell me until they were getting a divorce. There's love for ya.

Yep, just gotta be me.

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