Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fiction- AtHwA07- Ready For Action

Title: All That Heaven Will Allow
Chapter Title: Chapter Six- Ready For Action
Author: Restive Nature
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to BtVS. They belong to Whedon & Mutant Enemy. I also do not own the rights to Charmed. They belong to the WB. No infringement is intended and this fiction is for private enjoyment only.
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crossover
Type: Angst, Action, Humor
Pairing: canon pairings in both shows
Summary: Slayer dreams and Whitelighter-Witch hybrid powers collide when the veil between worlds come close to collapsing. Can baby Wyatt survive life on the Hellmouth?
Spoilers/ Time line: Season 4 (after “Harsh Light Of Day”) of Buffy and Season 6 (after “Forget Me... Not”) Of Charmed.
Feedback: Always welcome!
Distribution: Ask first please.
A/N: This was one of my contributions started for NaNoWriMo 2012. The story was by no means completed in that month and I am looking forward to continuing it.
A/N2: There is a definite time difference between these two worlds and the seasons that I am using. This will hopefully, be explained within the fiction itself.

All That Heaven Will Allow

Chapter Six
Ready For Action

The end of the drop down into the caverns came much faster than Buffy had imagined that it would. Enough so, that she was jarred and her knees protested loudly as she stumbled forward a few steps, her hands reaching blindly for anything that might be in front of her. There was nothing but semi-darkness and silence, for which she was extremely grateful. Carefully unbuckling the rope from her harness, Buffy decided that she would keep the other gear on. There was always the thought that whatever bad guy she was fighting could grab onto her, any of the loops and what not. But the same could be said sometimes, of her every day clothing. Even pants with belt loops were a danger in that line of thought. Every extra bit of material was one that her enemy could grab onto in the quest to immobilize her. But it was a risk she would run to have it in place when she returned, not knowing what those circumstances would be.

Adjusting the strap of the pack of her supplies, Buffy slowly crept forward, trying to give her eyes a chance to adjust to the light, or lack thereof. But she still felt that gnawing in her belly urging her to find the baby. She had her head cocked, straining to listen for any sound that might be like an infant's noises, or perhaps even something tracking or following it. From what she could figure, and it wasn't like she was an expert, the kid couldn't walk. At least she hadn't seen him do so in the brief moments that she had observed him in her dream.

True, he had been hanging onto a wall, supporting himself to stand. But she suspected his tiny baby legs wouldn't hold out for long. Hopefully the kid had some supersonic crawling power, or that teleporty thing. Shaking her head at her own fanciful wishing, Buffy realized that there was little in her life, before Slaying or even after, that prepared her for dealing with a little kid. Sure she could rescue them until the cows came home.

But what on earth were they going to do with one, once they got him?

The answer that came automatically bolstered the young woman that was bravely going forth, was automatic and typically tended to be her answer when she was stressed out by the non-slayerly facts of her life.

Ask Mom.

She found now that with one question about the future of this little endeavor had been answered, Buffy was able to move along at a faster clip. Perhaps there was a correlation between mental well-being translating into physical strength. She'd have to talk to her psych professor about that, or maybe ask Willow if there was something in the syllabus that pertained to this course of study. She smirked slightly as she continued to move forward. There, another question preying on her brain with an answer already.

She might just be able to pull this off.


Leo was careful naturally, as he tried to make his way into the underground. He knew from experience that walking, or orbing into this place, as it were, was almost like a gong going off for the demons down here. They knew, or would know quickly enough, that an embodiment of good had invaded their territory.

But he didn't care.

He was after his son and he was going to get him. That was what the last several years of his life as a Whitelighter had been. That was why he was an Elder now and no longer with Piper, though he came to see Wyatt as often as he could. He was simply trying to protect his family. And while he still believed that love would conquer anything, he also saw the other side of the coin.

Why would he not want to be an Elder and have the power to protect, not just his son and his family, but the rest of the world too? There were other people out there, normal humans who had not the powers that he and the Charmed Ones had to save people. And those people had sons and daughters, spouses, siblings, parents that they all loved as much as he loved Piper and Wyatt. And Paige and Phoebe as well.

He had manged to orb in safely to an empty chamber, but was not about to let his guard down. Over the years, they had fought almost every type of demon imaginable and since Leo had been a Whitelighter longer than even Piper or her sister's had been alive, even being there with the girl's Grams as she fought and needed help, Leo had seen even more. It wasn't that he didn't share these things when he coul, but the knowledge he had of the number of demons would probably overwhelm the girls.

Reaching out with all the senses that he could, Leo tried to feel for his son, for the instant bond that existed between them because of their shared blood. Not to mention their shared heritage. He was an Elder by choice, to a degree and carried with him the traits of Whitelighters, but extended. Wyatt carried those same powers and it was this link and the one of love that Leo searched for now.

He caught some slight wisps and traces, but they were unfocused and scattered seeming. Leo wondered why that was, even as he chose a direction to move in. As he had told the sisters, this was going to be a long and difficult process. Every orb he made, he risked landing in a group of demons, or even just one. And since his purpose was to find his son, he didn't want to be bogged down in having to fight every distraction along the way. He didn't want to alert them to his position or his purpose. Though if a demon, any demon had his son, they would have to know instantly that Leo or the Charmed ones, perhaps both would be coming after them with a Vengeance.

He could only hope that the Crone's first edict still held. She had declared that there was a truce between demon kind and the Charmed Ones, over this matter. She was a Seer, like Phoebe, she had visions and she had foreseen that kidnapping Wyatt would not end well for the tribe she associated with, nor much of demon kind everywhere. But there were those dissenters among every kind of group Leo had seen. Those that would question, some that would rebel. It was obvious that this was the case even now. For a demon had stolen his son away, breaking the edict and plunging the opposing sides into what could rapidly become a war to equal the fiercest decimation any had seen in this world and others.

He continued to move as quickly as possible. The scent of his son, though it wasn't an actual smell but some higher sense or maybe even baser instinct that had made him choose this particular direction, seemed to be growing in Leo. He wondered so many things. Was Wyatt's protective shield still working? Could he access his powers still down here? Was the slight wisps from Wyatt moving around, trying to avoid the nightmare world that this place must seem to him? Or was it a demon passing him around to others in the hope of breaking through Wyatt's only protection?

These thoughts continued to almost cycle through Leo's mind as he began to be aware of something else. Something different. A thrumming that reminded him of a heartbeat. He knew at once that it wasn't his own, though it almost seemed to beat in time with his own. The patter of the rhythmic thumping almost seemed to encapsulate the walls of the corridor he was in. If he didn't know better, he would say that they were alive, thrumming slowly at first and gaining momentum in their beats. He didn't want to admit it, but this strangeness, it scared him. Made him feel uneasy in a level that he paid immediate attention too. But instead of turning tail to run away from it, he ran faster, from rock formation to room and on, all the while, his eyes darting, his ears peeled and fingers clenching as he readied himself for any action.

Any action at all.


Buffy had moved forward at a good clip once her eyes had adjusted to the dimness of the Hellmouth. She could tell just by feel alone that she was moving at a downwards slope. That was fine by her and understandable since the Hellmouth was underground. She had to go further to get really down and deep.

The first duo of demons that she came across were not ones that she recognized. They certainly weren't expecting to see her and that surprise was her best weapon. She had them decapitated and lying on the floor before they even knew what hit them. She paused, hoping, biting her lip that they were not a regenerative kind of demon that would keep fighting without head or limbs or something icky like that. But when they didn't explode and stayed down for the count, she allowed herself to cautiously move on.

There were another few strays lining against the walls and Buffy had the impression that they were doing something they deemed of importance, but she couldn't take the time to figure it out. She had to find baby Wyatt and pushed all her senses forth to the matter. And it was in this way, listening to what her Slayer sense, the one she had developed from years of fighting, training and just that added boost of mystical power that helped her to sense her way and which direction to take when she needed to make the twists and turns essential to her end goal.

She kept on like that, wryly realizing that she was very much taking to heart, Giles' original theory when he figured that she had displayed too much punny power. Simply plunge and move on, plunge and move on. Though in several cases, it was chop, stab, behead and then move on.

At last, she caught the first hint of what she had been looking for. There was a crackling sensation at the base of her brain stem that had her hyper aware in her other worldly senses and when she turned in the direction that it had seemed to be coming from, she saw the hint of blue white light off in the distance.

Scared that she would lose this chance, Buffy ran through the rougher path of the scattered Hellmouth trails. The light faded as she made it to the opening and turned into the surprisingly large antechamber off the main route. Buffy took everything in in an instant and saw that Wyatt, if this was he, since he was the only human looking thing in the room, aside from herself, had startled the assembled demons with his appearance.

He was tottering on unsteady legs, with nothing close to support him, which reinforced Buffy's thoughts about how truly young he was. The baby was staring up at the things, green skinned and oddly twisted as the things stared down at him in surprise. But then when one reached down to grab at this tasty new morsel that had been delivered to their very presence, there was a bright spark.

No!” Buffy shouted and then cursed herself for bringing the demon's attention to herself. Because the very moment that the word escaped her lips, the baby had disappeared. He apparently could take care of himself, to a degree. But Buffy had no idea for sure. From the little she knew from Willow's use of a few spells, magic had its limitations. Whether it was from tiring a person out or using up energy, which wasn't always the same thing. And the little guy was so tiny. How long could he hold out?

The fight that followed was short and brutal, mostly because after Buffy beheaded the guys, finding that she had finally come across those types that functioned without heads, she discovered through sheer habit that Mr. Pointy was well worth bringing. That and after she had staked the first few that fell down, she had run to try and find Wyatt so she could let him know she was there to save him. If she could make a baby understand such a thing. And so running, had found that the demons couldn't keep up. Their twisted limbs made them slow, not agile at all.

Once she figured she was far enough ahead of them, she slowed to try and sense the baby's presence again. She found quickly the thrum of her heart in her ears. It was a little faster than usual, worry she knew, over Wyatt. “Wyatt,” she whispered softly. “Where are you baby?”


Leo whirled around as the words sounded in his head. He'd never before, each time he'd been in the underworld, heard a human's voice so clearly if it wasn't right close to him. It just wasn't possible because in this realm, he was partly cut off from his full strength. The voice sounded gentle, worried, but young still. It scared him, because he didn't know this voice. He didn't know who it belonged to.

And worse still, a sound he did recognize.

His son's responding laughter.

His heart clenched as he picked up his pace even more, racing towards a goal he had in a place he did not know. Was this some demon looking for his son? Was his boy playing a dangerous game of hide and seek with some... some thing that maybe had taken on a familiar guise? It was not that easy to do, since Wyatt had very few people around him that he would recognize.

Just ahead, he saw and felt his son, recognizing the fading lights of orbs. But confusion reigned when he rounded the curve and saw that it was Chris.

Where is he!” Leo shouted as he rushed the young Whitelighter that claimed to be from the future. His hands clenched into Chris' sweater and slammed him back into the rock wall behind them. “Where's my son?”

I don't know!” Chris gasped, winded from having his breath slammed out of his lungs. “That's why I came. To help you look.”

Don't lie to me Chris,” Leo growled out the warning. “I felt him. I could sense him. He was right here!”

There was no one here,” Chris retorted with his own snarl as he tried to push Leo off of him. The older male just would not let go. “Leo! I swear! Wyatt wasn't here. It's just me!” The two males stared at one another. Leo, his jaw clenched, slowly pulled back and looked around. Chris straightened up and pulled his sweater down where it had gotten bunched up. “I'm sorry you thought...”

It was my son,” Leo repeated. “I...” Unfortunately the doubt started to set in.

Is it possible that you've spent enough time chasing me around to see what I'm up to, which is nothing sinister, I remind you,” Chris offered dryly, though without much humor, “that you've started to recognize when I orb? I mean, that is how you've tracked me before, right?”

Yeah,” Leo took the words in and nodded slowly. Chris did have a point. After so much time trying to see what the young man was up to, his orbing and the sense of him had become very familiar. “Damn it!” he shouted, shoving his hands into his hair and tugging at it slightly. “We need to find him.”

I know,” Chris nodded urgently. “Where have you searched already? There's no use going over ground twice.”

Unless Wyatt happens to orb somewhere else to avoid demons,” Leo pointed out and Chris sighed. His shoulder's drooped and he glanced around. “Do you feel that?” he demanded suddenly.

That chill up my back that makes me want to run as fast and as far away as possible?” Chris responded instantly, though his expression belied the flippancy of the words. Leo nodded.

What is that?” Chris demanded, smacking his lips distastefully. He looked around, but Leo was shaking his head.

I've been feeling it for a little while,” Leo admitted. “I don't know...” he turned in a circle, slowly, studying the surrounding room that they stood in. “Something else is going on.” He knew enough to be able to tell that, but it was as if all the knowledge he had gleaned had disappeared in his race to find the boy.

We've gotta go,” Chris urged, obviously responding to what his instincts down here were telling him.

Shh,” Leo urged, closing his eyes and stretching his arms out slightly, palms up. He could feel Wyatt, he knew that he could. But just as his thoughts traveled to the boy, picturing his sweet, innocent son, he heard the words that scared him just as deeply as Piper's admission that he had been taken again in the first place.

Hey little guy... it's okay... Gotcha!”

His eyes flashed open, his heart rending as he let out a gut clenching yell. “No!”

His son was truly gone.

Chapter Eight- The Slumbering Babe

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