Sunday, September 8, 2013

Massive Changes

I started out writing a post here, not quite ranting, but going a little too in depth into the events of the past six months. Suffice to say that I am in the process of getting a divorce. Because my husband left our family and our home, there's been a lot of difficulties and stresses. Writing, while being a source of stress relief for me, has not been a priority. Or perhaps I should say writing for an audience and publishing in some manner has not been a priority to me.

Even now that I have moved my children to my home, where I am comfortable and able to recover from things that have happened, it still is not high on my list. I've had to move my children to a new country, try to find work and a whole list of other things that go along with the situation.

I guess that at some point, I will get back into the swing of writing. But going from being a housewife and homemaker for the past seventeen years plus, to suddenly being the sole bread winner is really going to cut into my old ways and routines. In all honesty, I will sacrifice the writing first, because everything else is for the health and welfare of the kids and myself. There it is folks. I know that you all will understand. And if you don't... I'm scratching my head here to make it simpler...

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