Thursday, October 18, 2012

New Laptop

I am so very pleased to say that I received my new laptop. We had some trouble with it since it is a Mac. My kids have Macs through their school program and when my eldest tried to send me a bunch of files, it froze my hard drive. We had to do a total reboot and download of the programming. But it's up and running and I have learned my lesson already. So this morning, well, most of the day, since my hubby is home, typing away on this thing and giving it a test run. It's tiny and I absolutely love it. The screen is smaller than I am used to and the font looks so small. But then I had to remind myself that I blow my screen up to 150% when i am ready and writing things, for ease of noticing mistakes. Doesn't always work, but that's okay. That's why I have the editing system that I do.

The only problem that I have with the Word program that I am using, since I haven't anything else downloaded yet, is that it does not have a word counter on it. That's all right, I can deal with that as well. I already have several flash drives that I can load my current work on to share with this laptop. It also has a better music system and decent speakers. Which my other computer lacks. But most importantly, I can be writing on the computer when my husband is home now and has comandeered the PC. So goal of one million words written this year? I am yet another step closer to you!

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