Friday, April 6, 2012

Writing Schedule

Okay, things got a little out of whack for me this month. When my husband has more than one day off, or we are off somewhere doing something, I have trouble getting back into the swing of things. I try and keep up, but sometimes it overwhelms. It also doesn't help that the kids have driven me nuts several times in recent memory. They just won't leave me alone. Unfortunately, I tend to create deadlines for myself and then feel horribly crappy when I can't deliver. On some of the stories, it's understandable. Take for instance, WiC. The next chapter that I have been working on, 35, is a doozy. Mostly because it's going to be spanning 4 chapters of each of the crossover shows. So 4 eps of DA and 4 eps of SPN. Matching things up can take some time. And since my dvd's were destroyed by my younger children, I have to find the DA guides for each episode and the script, so that I can change things up as needed. SPN is much easier, I can just watch the episodes. Anyway, back in the beginning of February, I came up with a writing schedule for myself. It goes something like this.

Because I have so many story ideas, I pick some of the shorter things, or parts of a series and each day, write something alphabetically. So the first day of January, wrote something titled A..., Jan 2nd, B... you get the idea. Now, because I also have several bigger scope stories, I looked at what seemed to be most popular, or because I hadn't added to them for quite a while, what people seemed to want the most. I came up with a list. So, I was going to dedicate time to those fictions as well. A month was too long, a week seemed right. But then, I realized that I also needed time for editing what I had worked on.

So the schedule is as follows. Daily alphabet work. No exceptions. If I miss a day, I add some work on that missed alphabet title to the next day. For the first four weeks of the month 1-6, 8-13, 15-20, 22-27, I alternate through DotL, TGoM, WiC, APP & AN, TWH and OtL. On the 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and any remaining days of the month, I edit. Once the material is properly edited and formatted, then I post it.

Now, there are always other considerations to when I write. Illness, family obligations and birthdays are always days that I am not going to write. On my hubby's days off, I turn the computer over to him so that he can spend some time catching up, playing his games and relaxing. If I get a chance to get on, then great. If not, oh well. Hubby has actually been talking about having a friend put together a gaming friendly computer for him and giving this one over completely to me. Lord love him, he is such a sweetheart! So, anyway, that's how things for me are breaking down.

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