Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fiction- Anything To Zipper- Yawn

Series Title: Anything To Zipper
Chapter Title: Yawn
Author: Restive Nature
Disclaimer: I do not own Dark Angel. This show belongs to Fox and Cameron/ Eglee. No infringement is intended and this fiction is for reading pleasure only.
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Dark Angel
Type: romance
Pairing: Max/ Alec
Summary: He was getting so annoyed at seeing the tiredness in her face.
Spoilers/ Time line: Late season 2.
Feedback: Always welcome.
Distribution: Ask first, please.


Alec stared in consternation as Max let forth her third yawn in as many minutes. When he'd specifically invited her to Crash that evening, after work, as usual, he had thought that she was looking forward to it, having agreed with alacrity that she'd be there. The whole gang was there of course, it was a Friday night after all, but after one beer, Max was visibly drooping in her seat.

You okay there Max?” Sketch asked from his perch to her left, Alec's right. Max, realizing she had been caught in her rudeness and quickly hid her face in her shoulder and then shook her head a little.

Yeah sorry,” she mumbled in general. “Haven't been sleeping lately.” Alec hid a smile, knowing the joke she was making. With her shark DNA, she rarely, if ever, slept. Not that Sketchy would know that.

Huh, insomnia sucks, doesn't it?” Sketch was sympathizing. Max nodded and then laughed ruefully. Alec appreciated the amused rumble coming from her but knew any comments he'd make would have to wait. He'd been trying to cut back on irritating her too much. Yes, it got attention from her, but really, not the kind he wanted from her, in the long run.

You know,” he finally piped up, “if you're that tired, you should go home and try and at least get a nap,” he suggested as carefully as possible. He was a little disappointed when she didn't protest immediately. He turned away slightly, his eyes scanning the room, trying not to let that disappointment show on his face. His eyes latched onto Original Cindy, playing pool with a newer co-worker that the girl had been sussing out for the past few nights. He smiled at how easy the normals had at it some times. He didn't quite notice how Max deflated suddenly. But her certainly heard her next words.

Yeah, I guess I'll take off,” she muttered, looking at neither one of the males at the table with her. She rose from her chair with a smooth motion that denied her sleepy state and snagged her coat from the back. She pulled it on before she hurried across the room and Alec, staring miserably down at his beer at yet another example of her lack of concern about anything remotely to do with him, completely missed Cindy's worried stare after her room mate.


Hey Maxie,” he greeted the girl brightly on Monday morning, the instant she made it through the doors and down the ramp, to the lockers at their work place, Jam Pony.

Hey Alec,” she mumbled back, not even looking at him. He chewed at his lower lip and tried to affect a casual pose, leaning on the lockers as she dialed the combination on hers.

So I take it the insomnia still chasing you around, huh?” he asked, teasingly, though in truth he was starting to wonder if it was something more.

Yeah,” she huffed out a sort of laugh and then glanced up at him, stilling her hand. “You know, it's almost like I'm genetically programmed to only be able to get like, three hours of sleep a night. Weird huh?”

Yeah definitely,” Alec chuckled back. Max shook her head tiredly and finished opening up her locker to throw a few things in before removing her riding gloves from her bag along with the necessities for the job. “So anyway, the reason I was waiting for you,” he began.

Oh please,” Max groaned, “don't tell me you've got some scam or heist in mind that you need my help for. I was seriously considering calling in this morning.”

Except for the fact you'd definitely be out of a job then and a sector pass,” Alec rejoined instantly and then bit his tongue as the obvious snarkiness rang through. “Sorry no. Hate to burst the bubble of disillusionment you have there Maxie, but I was actually going to be nice.”

Nice?” she chuckled ruefully. “You? How so?”

Oh well jeez,” Alec rolled his eyes, trying to speak past the sudden lump in his throat, “if you're gonna be like that, then I won't share all the popcorn I scored with you.”

Popcorn?” Max screwed her face up adorably and Alec had to quickly avert his face so she wouldn't see what he'd been trying to hard these past few months to hide from her. “What the hell are you doing with...? Okay, scratch that, I don't know if I wanna know.”

All right,” he shrugged one shoulder. “Then I guess that means you wouldn't be interested either in that trilogy that you and Cindy were talking about the other night...” he threw out, holding his breath as he waited for her to bite. It took her a moment, but then her head twisted around.

You found them?” she demanded, her face lighting up ever so much, her eyes bright all of a sudden and Alec felt a wealth of warmth pour through his chest. He grinned and winked and Max smiled broadly. “Where?”

One of my contacts in Korea town has a pal who collects them,” he explained, mindful of the audience they might potentially have. “I exchange for a few... amenities, and he was willing to lend them to me for the week. Honestly, I don't see the draw of it, but you and Cindy kept going on and on about it...”

Anime Alec,” Max corrected automatically as she and Cindy had done right from the first time he had teased them about their secret shared passion. “Totally different from those lame ass American cartoons.”

All right, all right,” he held his hands up. “So what d'ya say. I've got the first season all week. One night, spread it out... what?”

Let me ask Cindy what she's got going on and we'll get back to you. Okay?” she suggested with a thoughtful, musing look.

Of course, Alec could wish that it was Max and Max alone that would be coming to his apartment, but having Cindy there would be a good buffer. Kind of maybe let him test a toe in these shark infested waters. He hid his grin at the thought and then nudged her shoulder. “Whatever works for you guys, I'm game.”

Okay,” Max agreed, pushing her locker shut and with more of a spring in her step than he'd seen in a while, headed off to retrieve the first of her packages from Normal. And it was then that Alec realized that she'd never once protested him calling her by the nickname that she'd always claimed to revile. His Maxie his heart declared and his mind... was almost agreeing.

She'd gotten back to him within a few hours. Cindy was game, they had the more comfortable apartment for more than just a few people to watch, television so they'd hit the girls apartment. If Alec could borrow it the discs towards the weekend, then they could pull some all nighters. Alec was fine by that. More than fine, he grinned as he headed off to make the final arrangements. He figured that it wouldn't hurt a damn thing to have a legitimate excuse to be in Max's vicinity when it was non work or Crash related for a long period of time. In fact, going to her home was almost the most enticing proposition he could see occurring. Only one step better would be Max in his home, feeling like she was at home. But, he reminded himself... baby steps. It had to be little steps right now. Couldn't overwhelm her. When she got overwhelmed, she ran, hid, took to licking whatever wounds she imagined she had.

So it was all planned, all worked out and granted, it started out great. They'd met Friday at the end of the day, the three of them. After turning in their run sheets, they'd bid Normal almost a nice farewell and stopped at a little burger joint that Alec knew. He'd treated them all, which made the girls smile. Especially when he encouraged them to get some extras for later.

When they'd arrived at Max and Cindy's apartment, it had been quite the festive atmosphere. The girls were so delighted for their video fest that Alec had started setting it up immediately, while they laid out the food. Cindy, wisely grabbing some blankets and pillows to relax with, though Alec didn't realize it in the moment, put them on both seating areas, ignoring Max's narrowed look.

Of course, one could have blamed the food. Some people, transgenics among them, could get quite soporific with a full, very full stomach. So when Max, sitting on the sofa, by Cindy, whereas Alec had opted to sit on the floor, started yawning, he didn't pay too much attention. The food was sating his physical hunger, and with the Japanese all being subtitled, it was easy to follow the storyline. The anime was entertaining. When he felt the shift of her legs on the couch behind him, he didn't pay too much attention. But after half an hour in, there was a slight jerk and a mumbled apology from Max. Cindy had shushed her gently. And then it happened again ten minutes later.

Alec had glanced up, over his shoulder at her, just briefly. But it was enough. Her eyes were glued to the screen, her head in her hand as she rested her elbow on the couch cushion. And she was yawning again. He turned back to the television screen, quiet, and wondering. He couldn't have said how long passed until he felt movement again and when he checked, it was to see Cindy laying a blanket over her roommate, who was sound asleep. She gave Alec a tight grin.

She okay?” he asked softly. Cindy shrugged.

I know she X5,” the woman responded, just as quietly. “And that shark DNA o' hers don't let her sleep. But I noticed, it catches up wit' her from time to time.”

I guess huh,” Alec smiled valiantly. “Maybe it's stress,” he offered blandly, hoping dearly that it was. Then, he could offer to shoulder a little of the burden. Help her out, prove himself not to be the bad guy all the time and then maybe get her over this yawning business. Frankly it was getting a little ego bruising that she always seemed so bored around him.

I s'pose,” Cindy drawled. And then the matter was dropped. Alec only worried about it, until the new sensation of Max's legs sliding against his upper back, took his mind to a new place. He could feel it whenever she twitched in her sleep and without fully realizing it, he soothed or stroked for a moment, the appendage nearest him until she settled again.

Cindy realized it though. As she usually did. And had to fight not to smirk every time Alec turned his head her way.

They made it through the first four episodes before Max woke. She sat up, full of apologies for drifting off, but both Alec and Cindy evinced declarations that she must have needed it and Alec even offered to start the anime over. He had missed some things as well, as his mind had roamed through it's rapid thought process. Neither noticed Cindy's indulgent grin, as Alec deftly manipulated the remote control.

It had gone just fine from then. With Max rested as much as her body and DNA would allow, they spent the rest of the night watching the Asian based cartoons. Laughing over segments, making broad, off color jokes and generally enjoying themselves. When they'd come to the end of the season, and Alec was wishing that he'd gotten more, Cindy had declared herself ready for some beauty sleep. Max had offered to make some coffee for the pair of them, but then remembered that she had promised Joshua that she would come over to see his latest masterpiece he had just finished creating. It had been fine by Alec, reminding himself of the little steps. He had offered to go with, but she said something about Joshua being uncertain about this painting and maybe Alec could wait. He had agreed and headed back to his apartment, determined to get a little shut eye and then call his contact and check on the rest of those discs.

But when he'd gotten home and prepared for a small sleep in, his mind had been roaming. There surely had to be other ways that he could spend more time with her. And then, thinking of maybe suggesting some plan to bolster Joshua's confidence, knew that he had hit on something. She was always goin' on about taking care of the big guy. And aside from some enforced visits and a few episodes of contact going sideways, Alec hadn't been around the big dog man as much as Max had.

As Alec had drifted off, a little smile played on his lips. Maybe it was time to change all that.

When he awoke early that afternoon, it had been ridiculously easy to gather some of what he would use to get in Joshua's good graces again. Not that he'd been particularly out of them, but he figured a little buttering up couldn't hurt. It wasn't ham hocks by any means, but he'd heard somewhere once, that the quickest way to a man's heart was through his stomach. And Joshua, as big as he was, was almost all stomach. He hadn't even thought of it until then, the added burden that it put on Max to earn enough tips to pay for Joshua's food as well.

With a grin, remembering his resolve to start shouldering some of her burdens, Alec packed his bag and settled it on his shoulders before leading out of the apartment with his lime green highlighted motorcycle. He made a few stops along the way as new ideas kept presenting themselves, but eventually ended up at the big guys place.

He found Joshua in his living room, hard at work on something new. As soon as the big guy realized that it was Alec and not Max, he'd taken on slightly defensive tones and stance over his latest easel. Alec waved away Joshua's worries.

Not here to pry, big guy,” Alec grinned assuringly and Joshua tilted his head in that exaggerated manner he had, as he studied the shorter male.

Then why come?” Joshua demanded immediately. And then sniffed. “And bring food?”

'Cause I was feelin' a little bad for Max,” Alec admitted readily and could see that it was exactly the right thing to say. He shrugged his shoulders after relieving them of the burden he wore. “She's always bringing you stuff and since you guys have both helped me out, I figured I could return the favor.”

Friends don't count for obligation,” Joshua huffed. “Help each other because they want to. Not because they have to.”

Exactly,” Alec nodded matter of factly and gestured to the bag at his feet. “I mean, yeah, I feel bad about certain things, but I thought of somethin' nice I could do to say thanks. If you'd help me with it, I mean...”

Oh,” Joshua spoke slowly, obviously thinking his way through what Alec was dangling before him. “That different. What did Alec think of?”

Well, I know your last dinner party wasn't exactly the bomb,” he winced at the memories that he'd tried so hard to lay to rest before he realized a while ago that it would be a process. He couldn't stand still while he tried to get over Rachel. That would ensure that he never would. “And I was thinking, if you'd let me, since you've got the bigger place, maybe we could try again. I even brought entertainment for after.”

Not drinking,” Joshua warned immediately on a growl. “Drinking and drugs are bad.” The big guy shuddered slightly and Alec winced over that too. Nodding his head at that assessment, he leaned over and opened up the back pack to show off his largess.

Wasn't even going to suggest it,” Alec grinned as he pulled a few boxes out for the big guys approval. “Got some board games to play. There's just one problem though...” Joshua's eyes widened slightly and he moved a little closer, silently urging Alec to explain. Rising again and clapping one hand on Joshua's shoulder, he proceeded to do just that.

It was ridiculously easy to arrange, once Josh had fallen in with his plans. Because the games he had chosen were limited to a maximum of four players, Joshua understood the necessity of only inviting two other people, aside from himself and Alec. And when Alec had played on Max's confession to Joshua earlier that she hadn't seen Logan for a while, he hinted that perhaps they were on the outs and Max certainly wouldn't appreciate having Logan pop up on what was supposed o be a relaxing night. So of course the other obvious choice for dinner guest would be Cindy.

That settled, Alec found an old cookbook and they chose something simple to prepare, with Alec promising to get the rest of the ingredients. The mac and cheese with little hot dogs had been good. But since they were trying to impress, Alec pretty much goaded Joshua into a three course meal. He knew a little bakery where he could pick up dessert, so that was one part down. Alec had even gotten, with flattery and grins, the artistic sensitivity in play, to get Joshua to hand make the invitations which he promised to deliver.

And he had to admit, as he carried them with him to work that following Monday, that they looked very nice. Joshua had found some bits and bobs around Sandeman's house to decorate each with, making them unique and tailored to the invitees. Cindy took hers with delight and promised to attend with alacrity, since again, wisely, Alec had insisted that Joshua's name had to be first, since it was his home they were hosting from. Max had been a little reluctant to take the invitation and had questioned Alec about it a little. But he had simply told her that Joshua was really excited, because Alec had a surprise lined up. No it wasn't dirty. No, it didn't have anything to do with strippers. Yes, it would be just the four of them. And yes, Joshua was extremely excited about it. And no, they were not to bring anything. She had walked away from that encounter looking a little perplexed, but at least she hadn't yawned throughout the entire conversation.

Buoyed by this auspicious start, Alec went looking for Normal to see if he could suss out where on earth he could find chicken at this time of year.

The dinner came together ridiculously easy. Cindy and Max had shown up together pretty much as he'd expected and since he wanted Joshua in as good as mood as possible, which would help relax Max, Alec had insisted that Joshua not worry about kitchen duty and be out there to greet the guests.

Much like last time, Joshua had broken out the old standbys. Candles on the table, though he had scrounged up some fabric napkins, not linen. But it still worked. Kept the big guy happy and kept the other three busy while Joshua explained what he had done, where he had found the material and why. Alec was nearly thrilled when he heard Max ask after him. And then his heart dropped a little when she mentioned that he better not have invited them and then blown the evening off, leaving everything to Joshua.

Surprisingly though, there had been a recognizable warning growl from Joshua before he had scolded Max, sounding stiff and offended, that Alec was finishing preparing the meal. Alec smirked a little at the heavy silence that followed. But then Cindy, wonderful woman, intuitive sweetheart, chuckled and said that whatever it was, it smelled delicious. And she had been looking forward to a nice meal with good friends that she didn't have to prepare herself. That effectively shut off Max's complaints. For the moment at least.

When Alec finally had everything to his liking in the kitchen was he able at last to grab a dish towel to wipe his hands on as he made his way out to greet the girls.

Hey!” he smiled widely and if he didn't get one in return from Max, that was okay. Her wide eyed startlement that Alec had been cooking was pleasurable enough. “Hope you guys are hungry.”

What'cha got cookin' back there boy?” Cindy asked as she removed her jacket to hand to Joshua.

Uh, something simple,” Alec shrugged one shoulder. “Figured we couldn't go wrong with a casserole.” Cindy was nodding along and his confidence that this evening would at least be okay was growing. “It still needs another fifteen to twenty in the oven, so how about we start with the salads?” He glanced at the others, Joshua turning to collect Max's coat as well before putting them in the closet. “Can I get either of you something to drink? I managed to pick up a bottle of wine and some soft drinks.” He waited while Cindy deliberated, finally deciding on the wine and Max quietly echoed her sentiment. He glanced to Joshua who decided on one of the soda's and followed after Alec to retrieve them.

Once back in the dining room, he had found that Max had chosen the same side that she and he had been seated at together during Joshua's previous party. And Cindy had once again sat across from her. Alec, brining the wine and several glasses, set it all on the table before proceeding to open the bottle. Joshua immediately returned to the kitchen to start bringing out the plated salad course. With a flourish, Alec poured a generous measure for each partaking. As Joshua returned, he had a smile on his face.

Alec also find coffee pot,” he announced happily. “Says most artists live off it.”

They sure do big guy,” Alec nodded as the males took their seats. “Although,” he grimaced slightly, glancing at Cindy, “I haven't been able to find too much of it.”

You shoulda said,” she murmured as they began passing around the salad dressing. “Max has always been able to lay in a good supply.”

That's just because one of Kendra's old student's used to pay with coffee when they were outta cash,” Max explained as she accepted the Italian dressing that Alec was holding. He also had more at his disposal, but that was what she seemed to prefer that evening. “After Kendra moved out, I tracked down the girl's mom. I trade her for it, or pay cash if she needs it.”

Whatever works, right?” Alec asked with a smile that was genuine. Things were starting off well. “I know there are a couple people in my building that trade off on stuff. They've been talking about starting a thing in the basement. Trade, haggle, buy. Probably a good idea.”

Probably,” Cindy nodded and then was quiet as she chewed on her salad. She then gestured with her fork towards Alec. “Is it just your building or could otha's join in?”

Not sure,” Alec shrugged, quickly wiping at his mouth with his napkin. “Nothing's been decided for sure, but if they don't, I'm sure you could still come and browse. Or if you've got stuff you want to get rid of, add it to my table.”

You're going to have a table?” Max asked with more than a little surprise shading her voice. Alec nodded, serious.

I've managed to collect some stuff that I have little to no use for,” he explained. “May as well clear it out and if someone else can use it, more power to them.”

I coulda sworn you were gonna say, if it makes you money...” Max started and then blushed suddenly, dropping her gaze back down to her plate.

That too,” Alec chuckled. “No, but seriously, I have all sorts of ways of making a buck. This is the sorta stuff that doesn't bring in the big bucks. Like, I don't know, picture frames, old clothes, that sorta stuff.”

It was a good topic of conversation to start the evening, since they were all able to join in. Even going so far as to plan a day to help Joshua clear out the basement even further. There were of course, things of Sandeman's that he wanted to keep, but the thought of getting rid of the extra that was no use to him and perhaps getting things he needed, or cash equivalent was an enticing one.

Conversation continued to flow and when Alec brought out the chicken and rice casserole, along with the steamed vegetables, he was inordinately pleased with the compliments. But more so with Max's and her plea to share the recipe with them. He found that instead of eating his fill, he was spending more and more of the dinner, covertly watching Max sate herself. A grin, a real one had spread over her face as she teased Joshua over something he got excited about.

By the time they got to the dessert, a red velvet cake that Alec had not tried before, everyone's spirits were high. And not because of the second bottle of wine they'd opened and Joshua had agreed to try. They served the coffee with dessert and by the time Cindy slowly pulled the fork from her mouth, sighing over the last little bit of frosting, Max was leaning back in her chair. And to Alec, pleased with himself, she looked full, but in that happy, content way. All these things that he wanted her to be when she was near, around or with him.

That was amazing,” Max complimented, smiling first at Joshua and then Alec. A little wary, Alec shrugged one shoulder awkwardly.

The bakery makes good stuff,” he offered, trying for an unconcerned offhandedness.

They sure do,” Cindy agreed.

But you were considerate enough to get it,” Max added and though she didn't quite meet his eyes, Alec thought he could detect a hint of blush on her cheeks. “Thank you. And thanks for having us over Joshua.”

It was my pleasure Max,” Joshua reached over to pat his friends' hand. “Now, sit, relax, digest while we do dishes.”

Oh no, sweetie,” Cindy protested immediately. She pushed away from the table to start collecting her dishes. “We all work together, we get it done quicker. I don't know about Max, but I'm curious about this surprise of yours.”

Definitely,” Max chuckled. “I thought the meal was it, but the way Joshua has been hinting... I'm curious.”

You guys really don't have to,” Alec began to protest, but Max was already up and breezing past him with her dishes.

You wanna wash or dry pretty boy?” her voice floated back to him. With a grin, he pivoted on his heel, following after her, not even noticing the pointed look that Cindy and Joshua shared.


Since when would Rosie O'Donnell fit in with glamorous?” Max demanded, laughing instead of shrieking. Which admittedly, made for a nice change of pace, in Alec's mind.

Ever since she starred in that movie with Madonna,” he shot right back. “Glamor by association.”

Nuh uh!” the woman of his hoped for affection protested. There were chuckles from the other pair in their gaming foursome. As he had hoped, the board games had gone over well. Joshua had even found, among his Father's collections of odds and ends the game that they were currently playing, called Apples To Apples. Cindy had vaguely recalled her parents playing with friends when she was younger.

Since their lives and upbringings were so unusual, none of the Manticore created beings there had really had a chance to play games such as these. They had battle simulations, chess or other mental challenges to play with. Max had readily admitted that she likes chess, but had not really played these games, like Sorry and the like. Joshua, who had never played any, had embraced them all with excitement.

What movie?” Max then demanded, eying him suspiciously, like she suspected he had just made it up.

Oh jeez, some old movie about the first women's baseball league,” Alec snorted. “But then,” he threw out, his eyes twinkling, “that's a surprise for another night.”

Don't tell this girl you want us formin' a Jam Pony baseball team,” Cindy started to mock growl, but the last word was broken up by another yawn. It seemed that whatever had been bothering Max had transmuted itself to her. But then, as Alec surreptitiously checked his watch, it was after midnight. Thank goodness they didn't have work the next day.

Oh god,” Max giggled. “Could you see Normal?” she got out before the paroxysm of laughter overwhelmed her. Cindy seemed to be thinking along the same lines and started shaking her head.

First time boss man bring out the bullhorn, Imma be shovin' it up his-!”

Cindy!” Joshua barked, his eyes wide with surprise.

-nose!” she chuckled. “I swear, I was gonna say nose.”

Sure you were Cin,” Alec teased and then gestured to the grouping of cards she held still. It was her turn to decide the winner of the round. “Now come on! I've got a good shot at this.”

Says you,” Max shot in immediately with another laugh. Her eyes were sparkling. Joshua, more interested in the laughter and teasing than the actual game that he had little references for, but still enjoyed, leaned back from his position on the floor to rest against the sofa.

A'ight, a'ight,” Cindy chided, holding up both hands with the three cards aloft. “I choose... Josh's card. Da Wizard of Oz!”

Joshua smiled as he collected his seventh and winning card amidst Max and Alec's half serious cries and protests.

What? Josh? How is... The Wizard of Oz was a morality fable!” Alec protested. “How could a book set in the dust bowl be considered glamorous?”

Cindy?” Max's tone affected a hurt she didn't really feel. “Come on! You adore Rick James!”

Nah, dis girl jus' look like him with a hella lotta effort,” Cindy cackled as she began gathering up the cards. “'Sides, Judy Garland was one hot chica back in da day.”

Don't forget slippers,” Joshua chuckled as he handed the rest of his cards over to the girl. Alec contemplated that thought and then sighed in defeat.

He's got us there Max,” he pointed out, capturing her attention again. “You... you played it straight, every time,” he shook his head at her obvious strategy. Sometimes it had played off, sometimes not. Same for all of them. He gestured to Cindy next. “Cin went for the unusual. I went for the quirky and humorous. But Josh! My man!” he clapped the larger males shoulder while Joshua watched him calmly. “He played to his audience. Every time.”

That's right,” Max grinned, nodding. “Shows how well he knows us, huh?”

Joshua sees,” the dog man nodded solemnly. “And now sees it's getting late. Tired.”

You right 'bout dat doggy dog,” Cindy used the term fondly. She looked at Max with an arched eyebrow. “And good guests know when it's time to get going.” Alec was going to protest, but rethought the decision. Best not to look too eager for her company longer.

It's a good thing then that we got all that clean up already done,” he grinned. Joshua nodded as he pushed himself to his feet. He began to pick up the various boxes of the games that Alec had brought over, obviously to return them to the owner. “No, no,” Alec protested immediately. It wasn't so much that he didn't want to have to carry the load home... “Keep 'em here big guy. That way you've got some entertainment when people drop by.”

That's a good idea,” Max blurted out and looked stunned when all eyes swung in her direction. “I... I mean, tonight was fun. And some of those games can be two players, right? Maybe we could make this a... a weekly thing?” Once the suggestion was out there, she hurried on. “I mean, we wouldn't have to do a big dinner or anything. Just, you know... get together and play.”

The ol' folks used to set up snacks and drinks,” Cindy nodded. “Nibble all night while us kids watched vid and played.”

That does sound fun,” Alec nodded, his eyes and heart lighting up at the thought of a weekly standing date. Granted Joshua and Cindy would be there, but still. It was closer than he had been before.

I mean, I kept meaning to bring over some cards that I had,” Max added, her eyes on Joshua. “For solitaire or whatever.”

Soitaire so very solitary,” Joshua quipped without realizing, until the others chuckled.

Don't have to be Boo,” Cindy assured him. “I gotta book at home. It's got like hundreds of variations.”

Book is good,” Josh nodded.

An' if we get more than a few decks,” Cindy had turned slightly to Max, “y'all can learn pinochle, BS, canasta. Lord, dem brains'll be busy!”

That sounds good,” Alec nodded cautiously, his eyes on Max to see how she was reacting. To his relief she looked thoughtful, but not outright defensive.

Maybe two nights'd be better,” she suddenly decided with a grin. “One night for board games an' another for some serious card play.” She suddenly whirled on Alec, one finger up in his face. “But no poker! Strip or otherwise! 'Cause I know exactly where your little brain was heading Alec.”

He held his hands up, laughing. “I swear, I wasn't gonna.” Max's look narrowed further and he shook his head, backing away slightly. “Peanuts” he choked out. “I was gonna say we'd only play for peanuts. Maybe chocolate. But that's it, I swear.”

Hunh,” Max lowered her finger suddenly. “Well, if you're playing for chocolate...”

Oh, so chocolate gets sanctioned and why the hell would you think I'd wanna see Josh strip?” he demanded, playfully indignant, now that she had softened slightly.

Joshua not stripping,” Joshua nodded definitively, then cocked his head to the side. “Unless stripping for sleep. Or bath.”

Don't worry yo' brain 'bout it,” Cindy giggled. “It's a game for people wantin' to get busy, but not sure dere intentions are returned.”

Oh,” Joshua returned balefully. “Joshua no getting busy with you. No offense,” he shrugged, which caused the others to break out in laughter, while Max reached up to hug her friend. He returned it while Alec breathed a sigh of relief.

The moment that it had come up, he'd been holding his breath against Joshua making a comment about Max getting busy with Logan. After all, the big guy had figured that was the plan, but perhaps enough of Max's assertions against discussing that very thing, and the results of the last dinner party had kept Josh's lips closed on the subject. Whatever it was, Alec was grateful and ready to go on and get out of there, to get home and savor the evening's success. Helping Joshua retrieve coats, he also walked the girls home as they relived some of the games they had played and the answers they had for trivial little things. He didn't contribute much, just basking in this long unfamiliar sensation of feeling like he belonged, of friendship that wasn't based on a reciprocal necessity.

He bade the girls good night and continued his bemused amble home. It had all been a success and he readied himself for bed, choosing moments to think on, to hopefully direct his dreams which sometimes were nightmares. The way Max's eyes lit up, her unguarded smile and laughter. How she had settled in quickly once she had realized that Alec had held no ulterior motive for the evening, at least that she could see. That was what he wanted to focus on. To start at least...

But while his dreams were comfortable, enticing and enjoyable, or course they were, reality was a cold and bitter mistress that he was slave to. And when he arrived at Jam Pony the next morning, although she and Cindy were in high spirits over their evening, those damnable yawns were still stretching and gaping, bringing home that for all his plans, he had yet to hit the key to solving the problem.

Planning and regrouping was what was called for. He heard hints throughout the next work day that Max and Cindy had both enjoyed themselves immensely the evening before. Though they were careful not to mention the fact around Normal. Which Alec was kind of grateful for. He knew the boss man sometimes had a habit of horning in on some things and if the guy thought they could all have fun together like that... well, it wasn't something that Alec wanted to deal with. He saw enough of fawning Normal at work and that was too much already.

Instead of going, as he had planned, out for lunch, he hung around until he found Cindy alone, pulling a brown bag out of her locker and heading up to the employee lounge, which was just a rickety table and several chairs on the landing off the stairs that led to the unused upper level.

Hey Cin,” he greeted, dropping into the seat next to her. Surprisingly, or maybe not so much, she was covering a yawn with one hand while digging her food out with the other. She nodded a greeting to him.

You not eatin' boo?” she asked after a moment, seeing his empty hands. He spread his fingers wide, waving away her concern.

I was just gonna grab something in between runs,” he offered which was partially the truth. It wouldn't be an imposition to push back his lunch hour slightly. “Just noticed you seem a little wiped.”

She nodded again as she opened a container and reached for a spoon. “Max an' I were up chattin' last night. Didn't get my eight hours,” she explained easily.

Is everything okay?” he asked with a modicum of concern. There could have been many reasons. Some he was interested in, some just fantasy that crept into his brain at odd times, some that were of no interest. At least not personally that he was into it, but maybe from the man in love with a woman and wanting to know things about said woman sort of angle.

Just fine,” Cindy shrugged one shoulder. “Girl talk.”

Am I a complete degenerate to hope that pillows were involved in some way, some how?” he teased when he saw that she didn't seem too concerned. She rolled her eyes and then chuckled.

Yeah Alec, when my head hit one and I finally got some sleep,” she retorted dryly. She shook her head making her curls bounce. “Don't know how that girl does it.”

I wonder the same thing about sharks, but since I'm not one, it's all academic,” Alec agreed. He frowned slightly then. “She does have to sleep at some point though, doesn't she? I mean, she can't go forever without.”

She does sleep,” Cindy nodded. “Just not that long or often. Mebbe,” she paused, her eyes growing only slightly distant as she thought it over, “'bout three or four hours every week or so. Don't know fo' sure. I'm usually sleepin' myself.”

Alec nodded, slightly glum. “Well, I hope she's not neglecting it. Even she needs to sleep to deal.”

How you mean?” Cindy asked with true curiosity. He shrugged one shoulder, easing about in the seat to a more comfortable position.

Well, sleep recharges the body,” he pointed out, hoping that it didn't come off as condescending. But Cindy wasn't protesting or looking offended. “It also gives your brain a chance to deal with the stresses that come up. Dreaming or whatever.”

Yeah,” Cindy agreed with a smirk. “I know the girl's dreams get real funky, she goes too long without.”

You don't suppose funky dreams are why she's not sleeping?” he wondered briefly. “Or nightmares maybe?”

Couldn't say,” Cindy sighed. “She ain't said anything about havin' any.”

Yeah, and it's not like she's gonna bear the classic signs of a sleepless night,” he chuckled and was only slightly startled to see Cindy's hand fly up to rub lightly under her eye. He peered closely at her and then realized that she was wearing a concealer on her face. It was a very good match to her skin tone and if she hadn't drawn his attention, he would have thought nothing of it. “So she really is keepin' you up, huh?”

The pacin', the ramblin', tryin' to make decisions,” Cindy chuckled morosely. “Yeah, little bit.”

So she's probably worried about something,” he mused, more to himself, but Cindy seemed to take it another way. She set her food and utensils down and crossed her arms on the table, leaning forward.

An' why it matter to you so much?” she demanded flatly. Alec gave her a guarded look. Cindy had sometimes been his staunchest supporter, but perhaps only because she was one of the few people in this city that knew his secret. One that he shared with Max and Joshua and the other transgenics and transhumans lingering around. And it wasn't like he ever felt that support from Logan Cale. And for some reason, Asha had seemed to wash her hands of the lot of them, unless there was something going on between her and Logan. He frowned as he wondered if that was what Max was worrying over.

Plans bloomed in his mind about checking that out. He was starting to realize that talking with Cindy was only going to bring him so much information. She was a loyal friend and bulldog when it came to protecting Max, first and foremost. He didn't know exactly where he fell into that hierarchy, though he was sure he was in it. Simply because protecting Alec would protect Max.

But somehow, sensing that he could only push Cindy too far before things backfired on him, he decided to back off instead. There were other ways of getting the information. But at least he had a few more ideas about what was keeping her up now.

Well, hopefully this will resolve on it's own,” Alec sighed, giving her a gentle pat on her shoulder. “At least Max has one good friend she can count on and I won't try and nose my way in,” he sighed. Apparently, whatever note he'd used in his tone had struck exactly the right chord with Cindy and she smiled, genuinely at him. “Enjoy your lunch,” he added as he stood from the table. Her gaze followed him up.

You too shuga,” she grinned back and then added a little deprecatingly as they heard Normal call for his attention. “Wheneva you manage ta get it.”

I will,” Alec chuckled. “See ya later.”

He moved off, accepting the package from Normal and informing the man that he'd make the delivery and then probably stop for some food. Normal nodded his head, made a notation on his clipboard and gestured for Alec to go. Luckily the package drop wasn't too far.

Within two minutes of pedaling off, Alec had his plan in mind, ready to deploy as soon as possible.

It was easy enough to wait until both Max and Cindy were home and then employ a little sneak and creep up the fire escape that existed outside of Max's bedroom window. He was able to lift the window scant inches, enough to hear most of the conversation in the apartment and hopefully none the wiser, since they seemed to be in their living room. He was tucked back in the shadows, out of sight if she did happen to wander in for whatever reason.

The conversation that he did manage to overhear, wasn't clear because he was obviously missing some very vital context. They were arguing, but it sounded tired, like they had already hashed this thing out before. So there would be no clue there unless one of them came out and stated, or restated the problem.

It was funny, because most of the conversation comprised of Max trying to talk her way out of something that she hadn't done for various reasons and Cindy replying with grunting, annoyed noises. What Max hadn't done could have run the gamut from doing a chore or paying a bill to telling Logan that she wouldn't be running off to go on any more missions for him. The last of course, was wishful thinking on Alec's part. But still...

Finally there was a loud thump and Max sighed heavily. “Fine. Don't wait up, 'kay?”

Yeah, yeah,” Cindy replied in a bored tone that told Alec it was something she said so often it had lost meaning. He was able to glimpse Max as she moved towards the front door, moving slowly and the way she leaned.

He realized in only a second what the thump must have been. She was getting ready to head out on her motorcycle. Checking his watch, he saw that it was nearing ten at night and he was intrigued as to where she was heading. The Logan theory was starting to grow in his mind. Although it was tending to the other way. That she was probably heading off to go perform some good deeding for the maniac.

Of course, Alec decided as he eased her bedroom window back down and silently made his way back to ground level, he would have to follow her. Even if she didn't invite him along, there was a good possibility that she would need back up. And predictably, she would call him. So why not be as close as possible?

But to his surprise, she was distracted and riding around aimlessly. Okay, the distracted part he got. She wasn't heading to Logan's, that was obvious. And though at first he had thought she might already have the mark, because she didn't pause except at sector check points. So he figured, she must just be out riding. Which didn't make a lot of sense, given what gas prices were like lately.

Things started to clear a little when she finally ended up at his apartment building and pulled in to the curb. He figured that she must have been antsy and had been riding around until she could be sure that he'd be home. The smirk playing at his lips slowly faded as she simply sat astride her Ninja and stared up at the building. After a quarter of an hour, she started up her bike and pulled away. Completely baffled, Alec followed her, relieved that he had filled his tank whenever he got the chance and had his Jam Pony id on him. They played the same pointless game, never once being in danger of her noticing him trailing her, twice more. The same ending, Max staring up at his building for varying intervals of time until finally she went home.

Alec simply stashed his bike while Max had to struggle to get hers through the chained fence and into the building and then to the elevator that the residents had rigged power to. He dashed up the same path he had taken earlier and had her window raised while he eagerly awaited revelation.

He heard some shuffling and then the door opening about two minutes after he had settled in. The squeak of the rubber tires on the floor was unmistakable.

Lemme guess?” Cindy's half bemused tone caught them both, though Alec managed not to squeal as Max did. “You chickened out. Again!”

I didn't chicken out,” she protested. “I went over there several times.”

Uh huh,” Cindy obviously didn't believe her.

His lights were off, all night,” Max snapped back. “So either he was asleep, or he wasn't planning on going home.” There was an unmistakable but not understood ire to her tone, until Alec took a moment to think what would keep him from his own bed and creature comforts.

So you actually went up an' checked?” Cindy drawled and Alec knew that Max was caught out. By him at least, though he didn't think that she would out right lie to her best friend.

There was a long pause and finally Cindy, sounding unamused, grunted out, “uh huh. Thought so.”

Cindy,” Max whined and Alec heard another thump, but not the same as earlier. There were steps and then the sound repeated and he figured they must have seated themselves on their lone sofa.

Girl,” Cindy's tone was very tight, warning almost, “one of these days, you gonna have to get ya butt in gear an' come clean wit da boy. Afore someone else does.”

That definitely pricked Alec's attention. She hadn't told him something? And it was causing this level of ire? Cindy was obviously tired of Max's reticence. But...

Come on Cindy!” Max protested. “You promised.”

I know I did,” Cindy snapped and then seemed to soften, as she added, a little more gently. “Sorry, ya know I get cranky when I tired.” There was murmuring from Max, but she said nothing clear. “Look, other people noticin' somethin' off with ya. Even Alec was noticin' and asked me about it. I didn't say nothin'!” she added hastily.

Really?” Max's voice sounded breathy and Alec tensed at her tone, his eyes widening slightly. She sounded...hopeful? Or was it just wishful thinking on his part. He swallowed heavily before turning his entire body, trying to figure out what his senses were telling him, not just what he was hearing.

Jus' today,” Cindy announced. “Da boy cornered me, worried about us. Told him we wasn't gettin' 'nough sleep, which is true for at least one of us.”

Oh,” Max muttered and Alec could swear that she sounded disappointed. He frowned, wondering what the hell was running through Max's mind right then. Of course, any supposition that he came up with would be, if he went by their history, totally wrong. Or at least vehemently denied by her.

Damn girl!” Cindy croaked out. “One of dese days you are gonna have to make a move. Before da boy decide you too crazy.”

I'm not crazy Cindy,” Max protested. “Seriously, how am I supposed to think that telling Alec that I have feelings for him is any way a good thing? I mean, not at least without figuring if there's any way, any chance it could... or that he might possibly return my... No! I just can't! Not yet.”

Alec, feeling like he had been sucker punched to the gut automatically reached out to steady himself on the fire escape. Max... liked... him? Had... feelings... for him! Their conversation continued flowing inside and he took it in automatically, though he felt quite like he was floating along in a bit of a haze.

Ya know, anybody but you can easily see that boy head ova heels,” Cindy groaned and Alec unknowingly nodded along with her.

Based on what?” Max asked, her voice quiet, serious.

Girl, dat boy didn't have no normal upbringing, ya know that,” Cindy pointed out irritably. “He ain't at the level you come to expect from the men you know. And I use dat term loosely. Who you usin' for examples? Da boys that always chasin' ya tail when you was in heat? Or Normal da hard ass workaholic half homophobe wanna be lover boy? Or maybe Sketch an the rest of da boys with dey juvenile pranks an ideas an conversations? Or maybe you still thinkin' of Logan?”

Alec winced at the last thought. Was she comparing them? Finding him lacking? He could honestly see how, for most instances, from her point of view, why she would. He bit at his lip, wondering what on earth she would say to that. Was he just to reach the pinnacle of his, er dreams of love and romance and a life beyond the loneliness that surrounded him now, to be shot down only moments later? Given their history again, that seemed like how it would be.

There was a time that you thought Logan and I were soul mates,” Max pointed out quietly. Alec heard Cindy's long sigh.

And dere was a time when maybe you was,” she agreed. “But when you was captured? Bein' back at that place? It changed ya honey. Things got a whole lot bigger, a whole lot worse. Ya changed an' it took me a long time to see it. To get the whole picture of where you was at.An' when things change like that, you can't expect everything to stay the same. I know I don't have contact wit' Logan like you do, but it changed him too. An' ya didn't change together and ya ain't finding a way to put those two halves together anymore. I think ya both owe it to ya selves to find the happiness you need, even if it isn't with each other.”

And you think I would find it with Alec?” Max asked gently. Alec held his breath, it seemed as if everything might hinge on Cindy's answer. But he was wrong. It was, as usual and of course, down to Max.

It don't matter what I think,” Cindy informed her wisely. “It matters that you think that.”

There was another long pause before her voice sounded wistfully.

I think... that maybe I... could,” she told her friend. “That... we, he and I could. I just don't know...”

So stop tryin' to guess and sleuth,” Cindy chuckled, sounding happier. Alec felt lightened as well. A resolution was near, he could definitely sense it. “It ain't workin' out the way you hope. Figure out a way to tell the boy and know. Just know.”

You're right Cin,” Max sniffled. “Okay, I'll do it. I just... really don't know how.”

You'll get it,” Cindy assured her, her voice muffled and Alec imagined they must be having one of their bonding moment hugs that they seemed to like so much. He wished he could just jump in there. “Da moment will come and it'll be just right, no matter what happens next.”

Yeah,” as all Max said before the girls finally said good night to one another.

Alec was hard put to tear himself away from her window sill once more. But as the grin grew and grew as he climbed back down from the perch of his love's nest, he assured himself that it was all going to be okay. He needed to get home. He needed to plan.

If Max wanted reassurance, she was going to get it. In loving spades so deep she'd think she was drowning in his feelings for her.

The first plan of action was put forward the very next morning. Alec had sat up late, planning and scheming. There were all the usual courses of romance that he could have taken. Special gifts in her locker at work. Helping her with her problems when she asked without the smart ass comments. Buying her drinks at Crash. Maybe he could entice her into doing something fun over the weekend that didn't involve a heist, or the bar or a mission. But not a date. He'd have to ease into that, he was sure.

He'd been so very excited by the ideas that had been running through his mind at MACH speed as he'd headed home, that he'd been unable to settle down for the longest time. Not just how to let Max know that he was willing to figure out if their attraction to one another meant something deeper. Some of those comments that Cindy had made, really made Alec take a long hard look at himself. To try and figure out if he was someone that Max could count on. He remembered what Cindy had said about what Max was basing her assessment of men on. Normal, he discounted immediately because Max could barely stand him. Looking at their group of friends, at least the normal ones that they hung out with during and after work, he couldn't see much inspiration there.

It hinged quite a bit on Logan and the no longer applicable heat attractions. Alec mourned for only a moment the fact that Manticore had figured out how to permanently solve that problem. Of course, if it were still going on, this whole plan might be moot one way or another. But it would have cost more headaches than they made aspirin for. So Alec had spent quite a lot of time trying to find the balance between Logan, what made Max admire him and the other side of the coin. The raw, primal hormone fueled attractionthat female transgenics heats had been made up of.

In the end, he figured that he could start with the natural attraction between them and take each and every opportunity to show why he had staying power. He knew already that he couldn't turn himself into a carbon copy of Logan. Not only was the idea abhorrent just to himself, but he knew, just had a feeling that there were things about Logan that Max didn't always like or agree with. Basing a relationship on a lie like that would make the whole thing topple before he had even started to build.

With the light of the new day, he was worn out, but happy. He had a game plan and couldn't wait to get started on it. After arriving at work, he'd quickly jacked the lock on her locker, the way only a transgenic could amidst a crowd of milling and curious co-workers. He'd left a pretty bag of mini candy bars, no note, no signature, as a surprise for her and had then moved down to his locker. He was glad he had done so first thing, because right after opening his own personal work space and pausing for a jaw popping yawn, he heard her.

Jeez Alec,” Max chuckled. “Looks like the insomnia is catching.”

He finished his yawn and blinked several times before grinning at her. “A contagion that I actually am susceptible to? That sucks,” he chuckled. “But yeah, late, I mean really late night.”

Ah,” Max nodded, a cross between a smirk and a grimace on her face. She crossed her arms over her stomach and leaned against the bank of lockers. “Hot date?”

Actually no,” he smiled softly, recalling his night's activities. Mostly chasing her around without her knowledge. He glanced at her and shrugged. “Just couldn't sleep. Kept thinking I heard someone at the door. Paranoia is not my friend, but still...”

Was there someone there?” she asked quietly, her features tightening up a little. Alec continued stuffing items he had brought with him into the locker, trying not to show affectation at the hurt tone in her voice.

Nope,” he shook his head. “Hall was empty every single time.” He finished stowing his gear and reached for the riding gloves that he had finally gotten broken in. “Which was too bad,” he added as he pushed the locker door shut. “I was in the mood for company last night,” he hinted and watched her eyes turn frosty as she pursed her lips.

Let me guess,” she scoffed, glancing away. “Tall, blond and stacked?”

Nope,” Alec grunted and turning fully to her, waited until she looked back towards him before inching closer. When he was close enough, he leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Short, brunette, ass kicking transgenic would be my preference.” He pulled back, really enjoying the stunned look that crossed her face. He lifted one finger and tapped the end of her nose. “She'd always be welcome.”

He was only a little surprised when recognition cleared the clouded look of her eyes, the dark brown becoming luminous as she softened visibly. He gave her a soft smile, not his trademark smirk and moved the hand that had just tapped her nose to cup her elbow quickly and then tilted his head towards Normal's desk. “Suppose I'd better start earning my keep, huh?”

She nodded minutely and Alec let loose of her to step around her, feeling buoyed that she hadn't immediately snarked back, or found another way to get defensive with him. He had only taken three steps when her voice called him back.


Yeah Max?' he asked, recalling easily the almost infinite seeming number of times she had protested him calling her Maxie.

You know,” she grinned, “you should use that unholy influence over Normal that you have, to see if you could knock off early today. You're no use to anyone if you're not fully rested.”

Not a bad plan,” he nodded. “I wouldn't mind getting acquainted with this plushy new blanket I have. But just one thing.”

What's that?” she wondered.

You agree too,” he took a step back towards her, completely serious. “I know you've had trouble sleeping too. Cindy said so.”

She glanced away, looking slightly embarrassed. “It's not as big a deal for me,” she defended herself.

It is to me Max,” he told her earnestly. “Even if you don't sleep, you could use the down time.”

You offering to share that plushy blanket?” she teased suddenly and Alec suddenly saw his opening.

Anytime,” he nodded. “You need it? I got it? It's yours Max.”

She stared at him for a long, hard minute, her lips parted slightly and then very slowly, barely noticeable, she nodded. He felt the pressure in his chest ease as he blew out a soft breath. Reassured, he threw her a wink.

I'll just go arrange that then,” he declared. “Three o'clock good for you? We can meet back here.”

Her voice was shaky, but pleased when she answered. He'd heard that tone so few times that it was like a beacon in the dark to him when it did come around as so rarely as it did.

Three o'clock. I'll be here.”

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