Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fiction- Chuckie's Angel- Part One

Title: Chuckie's Angel
Author: Restive Nature
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Buffy The Vampire Slayer or to Supernatural. They belong respectively to Whedon & Mutant Enemy and to Kripke & The CW. No infringement is intended. This fiction is for private enjoyment only.
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crossover
Type: Humor
Pairing: Chuck/ Dawn as friends (with Sam, Dean and Cas thrown in for seasoning.)
Summary: The archangel on his shoulder turned out not to be so much an angel, as a temperamental teen.
Spoilers/ Time line: This is Season 6 for BtVS, Episode “After Life” and Season 4, Episode “The Monster At The End Of This Book”.
Feedback: Always welcome!
Distribution: Ask first please.
A/N: I know “After Life” happened early in the airing dates, while “...Monster...” was later, but it will be explained.

Chuckie's Angel

Part One

It was the strangest sensation, to have this other being inside of you, shunting you off to the side, seeing, but unable to do anything. Dawn could feel, with her eyes, her own eyes that the monks spell had created using the blood of the Slayer, Buffy Summers. It was the strangest sensation to be so aware of her own eyes, now trained on books on the shelf before her. She could feel the thing's curiosity, no, more like a driving desire, a yearning powerful need to find the solution. To get it's desire, to be there, fully in the world, to wreak damage, more so than it had done possessing others as it now possessed her.

She had tried, so hard since it had first taken her by surprise, this slimy oily feeling coating her throat and mind and silencing her before she could speak out. It happened so fast, was the only defense of herself that came to mind. How could she know that it would possess her in its quest for destruction? None of the others had known. She tried to move, to speak, but it was like she was trapped in her own mind, not even her body. She had no control over her movement, or breath, eyes. Any of it! The thing that was inside her controlled it all, and was letting her know it. All she had was her thoughts and her fears.

Well, and her hearing, because the bell rang as the door to the Magic Box opened and shut and then Anya was speaking.

I found one of those twenty-four hour places for coffee,” she announced, her voice coming closer. “Remember that bookstore? Well they became one of those book and coffee places and now they're just coffee.” The blond ex-demon, Dawn could almost smell but taste in that strange combination at the back of her throat, the lingering hints still on the woman, for all that she claimed to be a pure human now. Anya paused now, to set the coffee down, Dawn was sure. “It's like evolution,” Anya chirped, determinedly perky in the face of troubles. “Only without the getting better part. Uh, coffee, coffee, coffee.”

Dawn could feel the demon within stirring, feel it's impatience growing. The entertainment of taunting and seeing these pathetic forms of life scrambling to keep up was mildly comforting, but the thing was rapacious for more. Deeper, darker, terrifying and horror inducing. And Dawn, had she been in control, would have been looking for a little validation on remembering her vocabulary word and using it correctly in a sentence. But no, she was still trapped. Unable to move an inch unless the demon thing in her allowed it.

Um, hot chocolate for Dawn,” the blond employee of the store they were set up in went on.

Does she never cease?!

Um, no. Dawn answered automatically.

You're too young for coffee,” Anya announced, like she was doing a Dawn a favor. That thought passed through her mind and was startled that even the demon thingy was in agreement that Anya's attitude was annoying beyond even the demon's limited, at the moment, comprehension. She spun to her left suddenly and could finally see the tired countenances of the rest of the Scooby gang. And yay her, on another vocab word mastered.

Idiots!” her voice rang out, low and growly. Okay, so she might agree with that assessment a not small portion of the time. But even she didn't have that bad foot in the mouth, or slippery tongue to just snap it out, no matter how many times she might have wanted to in the past. They'd know it wasn't her, right?

You can have my coffee,” Anya declared quietly, looking hurt and unsure of herself. But Dawn for all that she liked hot chocolate, knew that once again, things were totally out of her control. She just hoped it would be quick and that no one would get hurt.

All of you did it,” the demon rasped out and Dawn immediately understood that it had been trolling her mind to understand precisely what had happened in the immediate past, so that it could find the solution to complete and total entry into their world instead of the form it was in now. The words it used, the hatred and anger? It was fueled by hers. She felt something tug and tear at her middle. It didn't feel, as much as she was able to tell, like the demon was trying to leave. That thing had a horrible feel to it that sickened and smothered. This new sensation was tugging, demanding, powerful and Dawn felt almost like something was trying to rip her in two. Had Willow or Tara realized what was happening to her? A silent spell in the recesses of their minds maybe, to save her from this possession?

You stupid children!” the demon went on. “Did you think the blood wouldn't reach you? I smell the death on you. Look at what you've done!”

Dawn inhaled heavily, not understanding why and the pressure in her chest and stomach increased. Almost trying to out pace one another. Air, yanking, not enough air, pain, so deep, flying, burning, disoriented.

She closed her eyes against what she feared was coming, wondering if she would survive it. And when it happened, it was like knowing there was a car wreck coming right at her. She couldn't not look. But when her eyes opened again, she was even more confused than ever. But like she had had no choice, it seemed that the demon no longer did either.

And when it was done, she slid to the floor in a faint, wondering what the hell she was going to tell Buffy.

That was if she would get the chance to tell Buffy.


Yeah, I'm still not sure about this Dean,” Chuck Shirley whined, as the eldest Winchester brother strode determinedly to the motel room that the surprised and dismayed, newly revealed Prophet of the Lord had imparted to him earlier.

Suck it up!” Dean snapped. “You'll be fine. Nothin's gonna hurt you.”

B-but that's Lilith in there!” Chuck shuddered, dogging Dean's heels. The impatient one of the brotherly duo arrived at the door and held out his arm before the smaller man could get too close.

Just do your thing,” Dean told him.

My thing?” Chuck groaned. “My thing is no thing. I don't have a thing. I drink, I write, I prophesy. That's not a thing for this kind of thing.”

Apparently it is,” Dean shrugged as philosophically as he was able, before lifting his foot, balancing himself for just a second and then leveraging forward to kick the door in. Seeming to gather courage from some unknown source, Chuck moved forward with him, into the motel room to see just what he had dreamed, coming true to life. Sort of.

Lilith, on the bed with Sam under her, a knife in her hands and oh yeah, the boy was definitely in trouble.

Chuck, unsure how to tap the power, if indeed it was a real power, raised his hand in the air. “I am the Prophet Chuck!”

Well, at least it got Lilith's attention. Off of Sam and onto him and Chuck was pretty sure he was going to pee himself.

Oh, you've got to be joking,” the woman infested by the nastiest demon topside groaned out, looking disgusted. She might have been a pretty girl if Chuck didn't know the truth behind the facade. He glanced around as noise erupted around them and the very walls, nay, like the very fabric of life began to ripple and shake around them.

Oh this is no joke!” Dean grunted at the woman/ demon. He sounded way too self satisfied for Chuck's liking at the moment because all this in the motel room? It wasn't done yet. But he just went on. Chuck wished he had even an iota of Dean's chutzpah! “You see Chuck here has got an archangel on his shoulder.”

The room seemed to shudder even worse, as if to prove Dean's words right. Warning, warning, danger Prophet Chuck!

You've got about ten seconds, before this room is full of wrath and you're a piece of charcoal,” Dean warned with something akin to smug superiority at outwitting both Lilith's machinations and Sam's stupidity. “You sure you want to tangle with that?” he added, to rub a little vinegar to the wound.

The body inhabited by Lilith turned and glared hard at Sam for a moment, as if it were he that had set this all up. She turned back, with a determined set to her features and opened her mouth, only to snap it shut as everything heaved around them.

And suddenly, there was a girl, standing in front of Chuck, her back to them. They were all taken aback for a moment and then Dean, just as startled as the rest, had to go and open his mouth.

We warned you Lilith!” he ground out. But Chuck could see why Dean pushed. Lilith's eyes were wide and there was this strange little rumbly in his tummy, like he had just purged himself after a migraine induced drinking session. Having written and puked until there was nothing left. He still felt queasy, but at the same time... relieved. Like it was going to be better now.

And then Lilith's mouth was gaping wide and black smoke erupted from her and the teen girl, well...

The fountain of fire that erupted on her scream did make Chuck pee. Just a little mind you. It wasn't every day that you saw fire coming from a person's mouth that wasn't a trick or illusion and then said fire become a burning green mass that chased a demon's spirit or whatever that black smoke was. Busting through the window above the bed until the green fire had caught up, engulfing it.

The scream from Lilith's essence, that was more otherworldly than they could have prepared themselves for. It had them ducking and covering. The girl however, seemed to have fainted. Chuck, like Sam and Dean, was covering his ears, wincing and gasping until the last of Lilith's scream had faded from the air and the room and earth settled once more.

Cautiously removing his arms from over his head, Chuck glanced around the room and then at the brothers. “I uh... I didn't write that,” was all he could think to say.

Chapter Two

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