Saturday, June 23, 2012

Fiction EtLO03- Blast From The Past

Title: Enough To Live On
Chapter Title: Blast From The Past
Author: Restive Nature
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Twilight, the series or characters created within the series. They belong respectively to Stephenie Meyers. Original characters appearing in this fiction are all that I own. No money is being made from this fiction. No infringement is intended and this fiction is for private enjoyment only.
Rating: up to NC-17
Chapter Rating- PG
Genre: Twilight
Type: Romance
Pairing: Bella/ Jasper
Summary: Bella decides that she has had enough of this merry-go-round she is on and when she proposes her plan to Jasper, will it be enough for them to live on?
Spoilers/ Time line: This is AU/ All human cast.
Feedback: Always welcome!
Distribution: Ask first please.
A/N: I have taken the liberty of including some actual places that reside in Seattle for the sake of some authenticity. But please be aware that I have not visited Seattle since I was a child. Everything I have gleaned about these places come from the Internet, so take it all with a grain of salt!
A/N2: This fiction is the result of my participation in NaNoWriMo 2011.

Enough To Live On
Chapter Three
Blast From The Past


It took me perhaps three seconds to get over the shock of seeing a blast from my past before I scurried up out of my chair to greet the main object of all my high school crush fantasies. I held out my arms, not even thinking twice about the action, that was how pleased I was to see him. It had been far too long since high school. And while, if I thought about those days now, it was with fond memories of those times I spent in various activities, and the occasional mortification of my more memorable klutzy, embarrassing moments.

I knew at once that greeting Jasper so effusively was all right, as his face lit up as his own arms opened to catch me up in a hug that had me going on tippy toe as he caught me and straightened slightly. While not the tallest man I knew, Jasper was still well over six feet tall. And still as lean as he'd been in those teenage heydays. Although, I could feel through his clothes that he had filled out some.

Jasper,” I grinned happily, thinking that perhaps the evening wasn't such a wash after all. “What are you doing here?” He squeezed me once more and then let go and I stepped back a little to regard him, taking in the changes that so many years had wrought.

There weren't too many that weren't expected. His hair was styled shorter than I remembered him wearing it in the relatively short time that I had known him and attended school with him. There were perhaps more lines creasing his forehead and crinkling around his eyes and he was definitely more tan than I recalled. But then, I was so pale, that Vampires would be jealous of me. One thing that had definitely changed though was his scent. In high school, I had thought he smelled good and the cologne that he wore was nice. But right now, smelling of fresh scents, like mowed hay or grass and another scent that I couldn't quite identify, made him downright mouthwatering.

Realizing that if I wasn't careful, all of my old feelings that I had thought that I had put away with the rest of my teenage crushes and memories would resurface, I focused on his face and forced myself to listen to the answer he was giving to my query.

I'm in the area on a cattle buying trip,” he answered with equanimity and I remembered then the rumors that had swirled around Jasper and his father leaving town. My own father, Charlie had confirmed them as not rumors, but fact. Jasper's father, Bill, was taking his son back to the family ranch in Texas to take over the running of said ranch with his new wife and step son. “How about you? You still live around here?”

I knew he was referring to my expressed desire on a few occasions to get the hell out of Forks when I first got there. I had yearned towards graduation with every fiber of my being. Of course, he had moved before I had fully settled in, finding my niche and my happiness in the little town.

Actually, I live in Seattle now,” I informed him. “I went to college at U-dub and found work here, so I put down roots.” Hoping that he had time to catch up, I gestured towards my table. “Would you like to-?” I didn't know how to phrase it but luck was with me as Jasper nodded.

It seems I have a little time,” he smiled back. I grinned to myself and resumed my seat. Jasper waited like a gentleman, until I was seated fully before folding his long frame into the seat across from me. He glanced down at the menu before him before smirking at me. “Although it looks like you don't.”

I sighed, my cheeks flaming only slightly. There was no way that I could even think of telling Jasper what was truly occurring tonight and I scrambled through my thoughts for something that would be convincing. Anyone who knew me, knew that I was a horrible liar. Finally I decided on a half truth.

Blind date,” I blurted out, my cheeks probably matching my blouse by now. “Seems he's a no-show.”

Sorry,” Jasper replied archly, looking to my hopeful eyes, not any such thing. “Maybe he's just delayed for some reason.”

I knew that what he said was true, there could have been any number of reasons my date was late. A flat tire, traffic in his area of town, the inability to find a parking spot. “True,” I sighed, “he's only,” I glanced at my watch, “twenty minutes late.”

Well, whatever his reason,” Jasper grinned as he settled his Stetson on top of the menu, “I'll count it as good luck on my part.”

The blush that had just been starting to fade, came back quickly and a tiny giggle escaped my lips. “Jasper, you're just as charming a tease as I remember from school.”

It's not teasing when it's the truth,” he shot right back. I was about to ask him more about his trip when we were interrupted by my waitress, Wendy.

Hi there, what can I get you to drink?” she opened with, not even checking with me that this was the company I was expecting. Though I had to remind myself that everyone in the restaurant had heard me greet him, loudly and enthusiastically. So I guess assumptions could be made.

Jasper didn't even bat an eyelid as he politely inclined his face up to the waitress. “I'll have a glass of iced tea, please.”

All right,” Wendy nodded and then glanced between the two of us. “And are we ready to order, or would you like another minute?”

Jasper glanced my way as well as I froze in my seat. That lazy smirk that he'd wore the first few months I had known him, before the death of his mother had removed it, made an appearance again and he quickly winked. “What would you recommend Bella?” he asked softly and I knew he was really asking if I minded him joining me.

No I did not mind at all.

Everything is wonderful here,” I answered, just as softly and then realized what my statement was implying and blush three took hold. “I m-mean on the menu.”

Jasper's chuckle told me that he hadn't missed the innuendo I hadn't meant to slip out and he turned back to the waitress. “I think we still need a few minutes.” She simply nodded and headed off to the kitchen to retrieve his drink order. I felt like dropping my head into my hands and moaning in embarrassment. “I'm sorry Bella, for just assuming-.”

Oh no,” I wailed immediately. “It's fine. I just-!” Again, I didn't know how to explain that I would much rather spend my evening catching up with him than embarrassing myself with a perfect stranger. At least Jasper might remember how my tongue ran away from me at times and give me some leeway, as an old friend of course.

It's just,” Jasper shrugged one shoulder, looking, if I had to say, awkward for some reason. “Well, it looks like my meeting tonight isn't going to happen, and there isn't much I'd rather than having dinner with a beautiful woman, if you don't mind me crashing?”

Oh no, that's fine,” I smiled in relief. “I was thinking along those same lines myself. I'd rather catch up with you than have to force small talk over lasagna.”

Do they still have their famous lasagnes?” he asked eagerly as he slid the menu out from under his hat.

They do,” I enthused and then leaned in conspiratorially. “I stop by regularly for their vegetarian at least several times a month.”

Jasper nodded and perused his menu. His eyes widened slightly. “So many changes,” he murmured and then glanced up at me. “I haven't been here since I was a teenager.”

Mmm,” I nodded. “Things didn't change until about six years ago when new management took over. They redecorated, but it wasn't until they hired their new chef that the menu got reworked. And believe me, Troy is a genius.”

You know the head chef personally?” he grinned and then chuckled as I shrugged.

I had a birthday dinner here and he made me a special tiramisu and delivered it to the table to see my reaction when I ate it,” I told him, remembering fondly the memory. “It was heavenly!”

Well, I trust your opinion,” Jasper's eyes returned to the menu momentarily before catching mine again, “but this Capesante looks mighty interesting.”

That's really good too, especially with the sea scallops,” I enthused. I suppose in the course of the many years, I had tried many of the dishes, if not all.

All right then,” Jasper snapped his menu shut and laid it off to the side. Wendy was apparently watching like a hawk for her chance to swoop back in as she returned with his drink order.

And have we decided?” she asked with polite detachment, though I noted that she was turned towards Jasper more than she was me.

Yes,” Jasper nodded once and disregarding Wendy turned to me and asked what I cared for. Straightening up a little, I considered my options and since I had already shown myself to be a little obsessive of the place, changed things up and ordered the Puorto Nuovo and a spinach salad for the side. Jasper surprised me by going for the Capesante that I had liked. But instead of salad, he ordered their baked potato and leek soup.

And would you care for anything to start with?” Wendy asked as she collected my menu from me. Oh, I hadn't even thought about their appetizers.

What say we split an order of Carta Musica?” Jasper smiled again. “I see they still have it,” he mused, his eyes on the menu. That was true, the flatbread with a drizzle of oil and romano cheese was one of their staples.

Someone having a yen to remember the good old days?” I teased and then nodded. I could certainly manage half an order of the fresh baked goodness that a former chef had developed. My mouth was almost watering at the thought. Or at least that was what I told myself.

Jasper nodded at Wendy as she wrote down the order and then took his menu from him and turned away. “Living on a cattle ranch, we eat beef, beef and more beef,” Jasper explained. “So I try to get away from that whenever I eat out.”

Sounds like a wise idea,” I agreed. We sat in silence for just a moment as Jasper moved his hat off of the table. I was about to suggest that he hang it on the row of hooks along the back wall set just for that purpose, but he noticed himself and with a quick “excuse me” did so, returning to the table quickly. Again I watched in fascination as he eased himself back down.

So I take it from what you said about a blind date, you're not married?” Jasper asked, an obvious question.

Nope,” I replied easily, since he already had surmised the answer. “Thought I was close a few times, but it didn't work out. You?”

He shook his head in the negative, but then laughed softly. “Not for lack of trying on my step mom and sister in law's part though.

That's right,” I chose to seize upon the family he had gained. I had always wondered what that would be like. Phil was a few years younger than my mother and had no children of his own. But there had always been that possibility of Charlie remarrying a woman with children of her own. “Dad told me that your father remarried a woman that had a son. Was he older or younger than you?”

Peter's four years younger and lord was he a pain in the ass, pardon my language,” Jasper retorted with an eye roll. I laughed as well and dismissed the language. I had heard much worse in many varied situations. “Not to say he still isn't, but time and Char, that's his wife, have dulled it to a minimum.”

I suppose it was a big change for you,” I mused, imagining how I would feel in his shoes, were I to suddenly gain a sibling.

It was,” Jasper agreed mildly. “Although I think I made more of it than it actually was. Thinking back on it, I realize that Pete was having just as much trouble adjusting to having a new family as I was. He just acted out differently than I did.”

I suppose,” I agreed quietly. I didn't know how Peter's mother came to marry Jasper's father, but it had to be difficult in any case.

So how about you?” Jasper inquired. “Any sudden siblings that popped up on your radar unexpectedly?”

I grinned at that. “No, my mom and Phil never had any kids of their own. They're both too happy with the kids they teach.”

I saw Jasper's brow furrow for a moment before he asked, “I thought your step dad was a baseball player.” He laughed and I took a moment to admire the way his eyes crinkled around the edges as he did. “Lord, I thought that was the coolest job when I was younger.”

I didn't know that,” I mused, thought there really was no reason why I should. “No, just before my senior year, Phil was injured and it took him out of the running for most clubs. So instead, he found a job coaching high school sports down in Jacksonville. Renee got a job teaching kindergarten and they've been living there since.”

Oh wow,” Jasper nodded. “So I bet you were happy to have them settled again. You weren't real fond of Forks' weather, as I recall.”

Actually, it kind of grew on me,” I shrugged. “And by then, I'd settled in with Charlie and made some good friends. So when Renee offered to have me join them, I decided to stay with Dad. I didn't want to start over at my senior year. Didn't make sense. And U-dub was cheaper than Florida State.”

Jasper murmured some agreement and then waited a moment while Wendy returned with our appetizer and two plates. She delivered them to us and checked the status of our drinks. We were good and once she had moved away and Jasper had deftly served me a wedge of bread and then took one for himself, looked up at me again, while diving into his food. “So what did you end up doing after you graduated?”

I took a bite of the appetizer, sighing with pleasure as the delicate, fresh yet salty flavor coated my tongue. After I had swallowed, I told him, “I actually got my certification in accounting.”

Seriously?” Jasper guffawed and I bristled slightly. “Sorry,” he apologized quickly, probably at seeing my look. “But didn't you used to hate math?”

I relaxed and nodded again. “Math no, advanced calculus, very much. But I was determined to overcome that minor defect. And I've found that accounting is actually very easy. Everything has to balance and once it does, everything is good.”

I suppose,” he murmured, playing with his bread a moment before dipping it in the sauce. He held it before him and pursed his lips. “Can't say I like having to do the ranch's books. I'd rather be out working with the animals.”

I was about to ask him exactly what, if any other animals he worked with besides cattle, when I felt a sudden chill breeze dance across our table. I glanced up to see that a group of customers had come in, leaving the door hanging open as they all filed in. Shivering slightly, I pulled my sweater more firmly around myself. Jasper had turned to see who was coming in as well and I wondered if maybe this was the meeting he had spoken of. But then he turned back, relaxing in his chair once more. But it was only momentary as his eyes fixed on my chest and his eyes widened. I glanced down at myself, wondering if I had spilled soemthing on my dry clean only sweater and realized that he wasn't staring at my chest per se.

A silver pin with a red gem in it,” he whispered out and I wondered why he was so enthralled with my Grandmother Swan's pin. It wasn't one that I had ever worn to school. And then, his familiar words replayed in my head. They were exactly what I had told my “blind date” what to look for to identify me tonight. Jasper's meeting... Jasper was here in answer to my ad!

Oh!” I squeaked out, unable to form a coherent sentence as mortification sweep over me. How on earth was I going to explain this?

Chapter Four- Remembering Her

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