Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fiction Anything To Zipper- Anything

Series Title: Anything To Zipper
Chapter Title: Anything
Author: Restive Nature
Disclaimer: I do not own Dark Angel. This show belongs to Fox and Cameron/ Eglee. No infringement is intended and this fiction is for reading pleasure only.
Rating:  PG-13
Genre: Dark Angel
Type: Schmoopy!
Pairing: Max/ Alec
Summary: Alec has something Max wants, how far she will go to get it.
Spoilers/ Time line: Post "Freak Nation"
Feedback: Always welcome.
Distribution: Ask first, please.
A/N: I was reading Nickeldime's prompt response's and others, while on my hiatus and really, darn it, just couldn't resist putting in my 52 cents... you know, 2 cents for every story...


"Is it true?"

The words barely caught Alec by surprise, just like the slamming of the door. He'd been expecting Max to show up at any moment. In fact, he'd just gotten off of his cell phone, had just received confirmation that the deal he'd been working on was set up, installed and ready to go the moment he said so. Alec grinned wolfishly, wondering how this was going to play out. "Is what true?" he asked laconically, leaning back in the dilapidated chair that sat behind the rickety deck in his laughable "office".

Max rolled her eyes, sensing that Alec was going to be a pain in the ass about this. Rumor had reached her just moments ago in the main area of Terminal City where she was conversing via video link with Logan. When the unexpected words had reached her ears, after all she was excellent at multi tasking and parallel processing, she'd ended their conversation abruptly and decided to delve further into this matter. She crossed her arms stiffly over her abdomen and glared at her second in command. "Don't play dumb Alec, it's too close to the truth. Are the rumors true or not?"

Alec waited a moment before giving in, after all, it wasn't that much of a secret. Kind of hard to hide in a city full of curious people and the way things were set up, it would be impossible for Max not to know at some point. He shook the cell phone still in his hand before tossing it onto the desk. "Just got confirmation," he affirmed with a smirk.

Max released a huff of disquieted air and sagged back against the wall. Her eyes drifted shut and she groaned quietly, causing Alec to chuckle under his breath. "Oh my God," she moaned. "I would do anything, anything, to..."

"Really?" Alec asked pointedly, still vastly amused. He stood slowly, tempted to see just what that meant, anything...

"Well duh!" Max's eyes snapped open. Apparently the humor lingering in his eyes was enough to make her want to prove her point, to make him believe just how serious she was. "Crap Alec, I'd... walk on water."

"Christ," Alec half- exclaimed, half joked.

"I would," Max insisted, straightening up, her arms dropping to her sides. "I'd... ban smoking in headquarters and even be the one to tell Mole, just to..."

"I doubt you'd survive long enough to get to the good part if you tried that," Alec shook his head. Pointless in his opinion, since Mole would never listen at the very least. But Alec was getting amused by Max's growing litany of things she would do to have what Alec purportedly had. Rocket the moon, hand herself over to the Familiar (with full intent on escaping later, of course), tell Logan that pasta was the food of the devil, tell Cindy that lesbians were really just heteros in denial, and wow, she was really getting drastic there. Alec was about to give in and take pity on her, but then she came up with one that was just too good to not zone in on, at least for a moment.

"God Alec!" Max huffed out. "I'd even kiss you, in front of everyone in command, like I really meant it, tongue and all, just for one hour-!"

"Really?" Alec demanded, his heart speeding up. There was a brief period of time, with Max trying to push her not-like-that boyfriend Logan away, that Alec had pretended to be Max's boyfriend. But knowing dismemberment was imminent, he'd never pushed for any displays of affection from her beyond teasing jokes. And that had flown out the window when Max had admitted the truth of the situation to Logan. It changed things a little, not a lot. Now, it just meant that Logan and Max were back where they started and Alec was left on the outskirts, wondering what would have been different if he and Max being together hadn't been a lie. Chalk it up to the feline in him, but he was curious about how he and Max would have related to one another as a couple. Probably not much better than they did as friends. But still, the sex might have been good. Maybe now was a good time to find out, but nah, he doubted... Alec came around his desk to stand before Max. Without removing his eyes from her, his hand unerringly found the doorknob and twisted it, swinging the door open for anyone who wished to, to have a view of the room.

And not surprisingly, Max's eyes darted to the group gathered below the offices and then back to Alec. She took a deep breath, let it out easily and then, to Alec's utter delight and amazement, took a step forward. Lifting her chin and hands, she braced herself right before him. Her slim hands reached his chest and moved upwards, to rest just below his collar bone. With eyelids at half mast, Max moved slowly but surely, closing in on him and Alec's eyes widened. Stunned, he grabbed at her hands and jerked his head backwards.

"You're serious!" he accused. He never, ever would have believed that Max would come up with this, do it of her own volition and not have some ulterior motive... well okay she did. But that was to serve herself and what she wanted. Not for some high-minded, idealistic crusade that Logan had come up with.

"Tcha!" Max scoffed. "Haven't you been paying attention to what I've been saying Alec?" she demanded. "I would kill for this!" Alec's hands, with a mind of their own, of sorts, rested easily on Max's waist and neither seemed to mind.

"I know, I know," Alec chuckled, grinning widely. "But really Max, all you had to do was ask."

"I have been asking," Max gasped, eyes wide with outrage. "Where have you been the last ten minutes?"

Alec cut her off with a shake of his head. "Uh uh. I heard plenty of 'I would's', but never a 'can I' or a 'may I' in all that rambling." He was pleased to see Max's face soften and she ducked her head momentarily, slightly sheepish.

"I guess I didn't, did I?" she chuckled back. Then, lifting her face and squaring her shoulders, still ensconced in his loose embrace, she asked, "Alec, may I take a bath, using your brand new hot water heater, for an hour, or more...?" She lifted on shoulder delicately and Alec understood that she wasn't sure how long she'd need. After all, unwinding from all the different tensions she carried could take hours, if not longer.

"Of course you may," Alec grunted. He was startled by the totally feminine little shriek of happiness that the girl in his arms emitted. But well, many months of showers only, and mostly cold at that, he understood.

"Thank you, thank you," Max sighed. She began pulling away from him, muttering under her breath about finding some clean towels and all the other accoutrement she would need for the ultimate bathing experience. Alec let her go, happy that he'd been the one to do this for her, telling himself that it was a long time coming. She'd been fairly surly recently and needed a break. Everyone knew that, but none seemed to have any idea how to accomplish that. But then... Alec threw his arm out and snagged the back of her shirt. Max stopped short and whirled her head around to see what the matter was now.

"Where are you going?" Alec demanded, his tone even, his eyes playful.

"To your apartment," Max replied slowly, as if she were talking to a child. "To take my bath."

Alec shook his head, his eyes squinting with suppressed humor. "Why would you need to go to my apartment for a bath, when you're the one who adores them so much?"

It took a moment for Max to work through what Alec wasn't saying and when understanding dawned on her, her eyes lit up, she spun on her heel and threw herself into his arms. "Really?" she demanded in his ear.

"Really really," Alec chuckled, returning her crushing hug. "You're our leader, you deserve a few perks now and then. Just as long as I can shower there once in a while, until we can score some more water heaters."

"You got it," Max agreed enthusiastically. She loosened her grip and leaned back. Alec was about to let her go. The sooner she had her bath the better. Not that she was aromatic or anything crass like that. But her hands on his face, stilled all body movement. And once again, Alec found himself a little too close for comfort. Before he could speak and potentially ruin the moment, Max's lips had lifted to his, brushing across the full thickness of his mouth. Alec let out a small, surprised gasp and Max used it to her advantage. Her tongue darted out to catch at his and Alec could feel the natural tightening of his body, especially as her hips connected, bumping against his. Max twisted her lower body against his and Alec's brain finally swung into gear. She had said she'd do it like she meant it... and oh man, she was really meaning something here if the cheers filtering in from their impromptu audience was anything to go by.

When the kiss ended and she slowly pulled her face away, Alec's eyes were closed and he leaned his forehead against hers. "Wow!" he whispered.

"Mm hmm," Max agreed, her voice full of bonhomie and mild humor. "That was..."

"Amazing," Alec finished for her. He pulled back just a little, eyes opening and smiled with something that was almost one hundred percent foreign to him, tenderness. "You know, you said you'd do anything for a hot bath?"

"Yeah?" Max replied immediately, but Alec could hear the undertones of uncertainty in her voice and decided to blast right past that.

"Well I'd do anything for another kiss like that," he declared softly, holding his breath, waiting to see how his announcement would sit with her.

Max's lips simply curved up into a purely sensual smile. She held Alec's eye for a moment as his vision began to swim just a little. Was she ever going to answer? But no, she had turned on her heel and began to saunter away and damned if he wasn't convinced that she was being deliberately cruel in adding a hell of a lot of sway in those curvy hips of hers. She reached the catwalk, her outer hand reaching for the railing that she didn't need, apparent as she was trailing it along behind her instead of gripping the old iron piping that served in that function. Alec stared mournfully after her, wondering how the hell he was going to deal with this sudden new development between them when she stopped at the top step and glanced back at him.

"Keep surprising me like this," she murmured throatily, just loud enough for him to hear, "and I might just oblige you on that."

Well there was one challenge he was definitely man enough for.

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