Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fiction Payback

Title: Payback
Author: Restive Nature (aka Bavite)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Buffy The Vampire Slayer or the novel It. They belong respectively to Whedon and Stephen King.
Genre: Crossover of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and It
Type: Stand Alone
Timeline/ Spoilers: Season Seven, Ep. “Selfless” for Buffy and none for It.
Summary: It’s looking for a little familial revenge.
A/N: This is for the TtH Fic-for All. Pairing # 2049 Anya/ It


Anya moved tiredly towards the front door of her new crappy little apartment. It wasn’t as nice as the one she’d had with Xander. But for now, it would do. At least she still had her job at the Magic Box. Her Vengeance gig had fallen through after that stunt with the frat house. And Hallie dying. She really didn’t want to think about it.

But as she opened the door, she realized that she was just going to have to.

Ah, Pennywise,” she greeted in overly bright tones, even as she swore mentally. She should have known that this would happen. The large spider demon hissed and spat at her. Luckily, even though Anya was no longer in the demon fold, she could still understand it.

No, I didn’t,” she argued. The large spider hissed again, this time, waving an angry pincer.

Look!” Anya placed her hands on her hips. “I called in a favor from your cousin. He came and he did the job. It wasn’t my fault that he was stupid enough to stick around this dimension!” Pennywise snapped something out.

As if!” Anya screeched, her hands clenched into fists. “And they are so not my friends! I don’t even like them.”

Pennywise went on a rather long rant that had Anya rolling her eyes.

Fine!” she shouted. “You want to know? It was the Slayer! Take it up with her. 1630 Revello Drive!” And with one last angry remark, Pennywise backed out the door. Anya leaned out of her doorway, shaking her fist.

Same to you, you jerk!”

She quickly ducked back inside and slammed her door shut. Her eyes darted around the apartment, searching for where she left the cordless phone. If she didn’t give Buffy a heads up on this one, the Slayer would so kick her ass.

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