Saturday, March 17, 2012

Catching Up Here and There

So, my brother texted me the other day with his new number. Very nice to have, especially as we can contact each other more easily now. He mentioned his twitter account. So of course I had to go check it out. Also happened to be looking for something else while I was on you tube and happened to see one of his vids. Directed me to a friends page where they had posted a collection of an old show that bro was on. A local cable access show Dead Planet Theory. Hilarious stuff if you're a 90's teen as I was. Also a good jumping off point for some of the stuff daughter's boyfriend wants to do. At least we've got several vids of him doing his schtick which I think is hilarious. But then, I have a very warped sense of humor. I still am ruminating on the P'dazzler costume I'd like to make for him. Of course, that will involve a lot of spandex, crepe paper and condoms.

It's a thing.

And then there are the Jack-man F. Hugh bits that I need to write for him. As well as an original play script "Finding Family". On of these days, I'll actually do it. Just see if I don't! As it is, I am concentrating on knitting a lovely off the shoulder sweater for the eldest daughter. She saw the pattern and loved it, but wanted it in burgundy instead of the baby blue that was shown. So I am about mid-way through the back piece. It's going well, with only one mistake in a row and one row a mistake. But since it was in rib stitch, it was very easy to remove. I really need to get going on her and her sister's blankets. I might have those done by the time the girls graduate. (Just a couple years now!!!)

And speaking of school, was so very pleased to have P/T conferences last week. Got to hear how the kindergartner is already ready for first grade, has a firm grasp on language, math, computers and art. She knows the difference between fantasy and reality and the teacher is recommending that she be placed in the advance group for first grade. Only downside to the night, well there were two. The first was that I lost my phone, but it was found in my friend's minivan the next day. Makes sense since I rode up with them to the conferences. The other was that the elementary principal informed me that since the pre-school class size looks to be large next fall, they are unable to accept applications of 3 year olds at this time. If there are any spots, they'll be given according to age. So me having an April baby, the odds don't look good that she'll get in. And since the other two pre-schools in town closed up shop last year, looks like she's stuck at home for another year.

I wouldn't worry so much about it, but with her being predominantly left handed at this point, I think she might need extra time and attention to help get her ready. Perhaps that is something I can sit and talk with the kindergarten and preschool teachers about. I've no clue if there are any left handed teachers at that school. Of course, I'm left handed myself, so certain things might be manageable at home. I don't think there's the same difficulties or... stigmas about it as there were thirty plus years ago. I guess we'll just have to see.

And tomorrow, wow! Hubby's birthday. The big 4-0. He's not taking it the best, but he's not freaking out incessantly either. So I guess that's good. Wondered what he wanted for his birthday and at least he had an answer this year. So today we went and bought him the outdoor smoker that he wanted. Deliciousness abounded all day with the smoked hot dogs, kielbasa, polish sausages and hand rubbed chicken tonight. The blend of applewood and mesquite was quite delicious and I'm really hoping the kids catch some fish on their overnight fishing trip tonight. Smoked catfish seems an interesting idea.

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