Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fiction GotG Chapter 05

Title: Gamble Of The Gods
Author: Restive Nature
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to either J.R.R. Tolkien’s "Lord of the Rings" universe, nor David and Leigh Edding’s "Belgariad".
Rating: PG
Genre: Crossover of LotR and The Belgariad
Type: WiP
Timeline: LotR- The beginning of the Fellowship (follows the movies mostly.)
The Belgariad- post books. Beldaran is a young woman now, about seventeen now.
Summary: In an effort to encourage the Fellowship, help is brought into the world in the form of a young woman whose world has already seen the end of its own war.

Chapter Five

The council disbanded quickly once the decision had been made. Each needing time to be alone and reflect on the undertaking they had agreed upon. Legolas bid his fellow Elves a short farewell, promising to return later. They glanced knowingly at the girl who’d caught their friend’s eye and just departed without words. Legolas hurried to Beldaran’s side, afraid that she might disappear. He still felt the pull of her on him and was determined to seek out the truth of the matter.

"My lady," he spoke softly from behind her. She was watching Frodo and Gandalf leave the chamber. She turned slowly and raised her eyes to his, a shuttered look in her eyes. He waited for her to acknowledge him.

"Legolas," she murmured. He smiled softly, enjoying the way she spoke his name. "It means ‘green leaf’, does it not?" His smile grew to a pleased grin.

"You know my language?" he asked, delighted. She smiled a little at his enthusiasm, before shaking her head.

"No, I just sometimes get a sense of things," she explained. "It suddenly came to me and seemed to suit you, so I took a chance that I was right."

"How very odd," he puzzled. "What else do you just know?" She sighed and turned away from him.

"There are many things I know Legolas," her voice was slightly harsh. "But I can not tell you of them, because they haven’t come to me yet."

"I do not understand," he told her honestly. He had been hoping that she would mention the feelings he had for her, in an effort to understand them.

"Neither do I," another voice joined in. Legolas knew that Aragorn was still close by, but he’d been hoping that the Ranger would keep his distance. Beldaran smiled up at the man as he joined them. "How can you know things, but not know them?"

"Simple," Beldaran scoffed, then glanced at their puzzled features. "Or maybe not. You see before I came here, there were certain things…implanted in my mind. They will not come forth to my conscious thought until needed. Sometimes a situation or conversation prompts them. Suddenly, I will see beyond what is being said or done and know more truth." They both mulled that over.

"That seems a cumbersome manner of doing things," Aragorn finally decided.

"It is," Beldaran agreed. "But it is for your safety, more than anything. If I were to impart some information before the proper time, it might change a decision you would make, drastically endangering the outcome we hope for."

"I can accept that," Aragorn smiled. It made good sense to him. Knowledge of the future was always a dangerous thing. But one thing still bothered him. "Is that why you weren’t surprised by who I am?" He was surprised to hear her giggle and then blush.

"Actually, I knew who you were before I came," she grinned at him.

"The Valar told you?" Legolas demanded, wondering how someone so tiny and delicate could be in league with such powerful forces.

"Oh, we’d better put a stop to that immediately," Beldaran growled. Both males looked at her in shock. "First off, the Valar are not the only powerful beings in the universe. I only use that term to cover a broad range of their sense of being."

"What do you mean?" Legolas raised his eyebrows, unsure whether he wanted to contemplate a world beyond his own. He’d studied the stars in his youth, but had never considered life beyond what he could see with his own eyes.

"The Valar are the beings reigning over this world," Beldaran’s tone took on a slightly lecturing tone. "In some cases, their power stretches out to other worlds as well. They are not alone, not the only powers in the universe. The one I serve, well, honestly, I serve more than one, are similar to the Valar, as they are on the side of light."

The males were quiet for a moment as Beldaran let that sink in. Finally Legolas turned and offered her his arm. "Enough of this," he smiled gently. "Shall we walk and enjoy the peace of Rivendell before we are forced to the arduous task of our journey?" Beldaran threw her head back and laughed lightly at his abrupt turn about. She knew what he was about, having dealt with male attraction before. And wisely, she slipped a hand through his arm and one through Aragorn’s as well.

"Please," she asked. "I would dearly love to explore this haven."

Legolas threw a warning glance over at his friend. Aragorn smirked back at him. He sensed immediately that Beldaran was shy of being alone with the Elf and resolved to keep a protective eye on her. They walked slowly down to the waterfall, not speaking, simply enjoying the scenery. The taller males had to shorten their strides considerably so that Beldaran could keep up. They finally came to a stone bench and when she loosened her hold on them, they realized that she needed to rest.

"I am sorry," she apologized sweetly as she took a seat. "Normally, I have no such difficulties walking at distance. But the journey here was strange and unnerving and I find myself a little fatigued."

"Is it always thus?" Aragorn questioned. His concern stemmed from both his sensibilities as a gentleman and his fear that the upcoming journey would be too strenuous for her. But she shook her head.

"That is the first time I have accomplished my coming in such a manner," she told them easily. "Normally, when I travel through the portal, it is as an infant. So no one expects me to get up and be ready to be strong."

"You come to your missions as an infant?" Legolas questioned harshly, not liking the idea that she would be defenseless.

"That is only so that I may grow up with a sense of the world that I am fighting for," she explained hastily. "It is something I need to comprehensively work towards the desired goal."

"So you must be feeling a little lost here," Aragorn stated. She nodded shyly.

"My lady," Legolas jumped in swiftly, "if there is ever anything I can do to help you, please do not hesitate to ask." She glanced up through her lashes at him, still shy of him.

"Thank you," she spoke softly and he smiled at her, enjoying her gentle nature. Then her eyes widened and she turned once more to Aragorn. "Speaking of feeling lost, how are you now? Has that feeling faded?" They knew at once that she was speaking of her spell.

"It has," Aragorn confirmed. Beldaran nodded.

"It certainly took long enough," she teased. Aragorn ducked his head.

"I think that I fought against losing the feeling because it felt so very comfortable," he admitted. Beldaran laughed softly. Neither noticed the Elf’s wide eyes. His friend had just admitted that his feeling of familiarity was gone. So why then did the Elf still feel it? And more strongly than ever?

"That’s all right," Beldaran consoled the man. "I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to become friends." Aragorn simply nodded. They both looked out over the water, content to sit silently. Legolas contented himself at looking at the girl that was already meaning too much to him. And it was he that noticed the stray tear fall from her eye. He gently covered one hand with his own and wiped the tear from her cheek. She glanced up at him. "It’s so beautiful here," she explained softly. "But it makes me ache for my home."

"Tell me," Legolas commanded sweetly. Aragorn and Legolas then listened as she happily launched into a description of her home on the Isle of Winds, the Citadel. Aragorn was interested in the fact that it was built in defense of the city that grew behind it. Legolas just enjoyed hearing her talk. But when she turned the conversation to the other place she considered home, the Vale, he was more content. She described the valley surrounded by tall trees so well, that he could see it in his mind’s eye. She soon fell silent.

"Your home sounds beautiful indeed," Aragorn complimented. She laughed suddenly, feeling better now.

"My home could be a peasant hovel in the middle of the Sendaria plains," she chuckled, knowing that that name would be lost on them. "But as long as it was filled with love, it would be beautiful to me."

"Wise words from one so young," Elrond interrupted. Three pairs of eyes looked up at him. "But somehow, that does not surprise me."

"Thank you, my lord," the redhead spoke softly.

"Ah, my daughter Arwen was hoping that you would join her," Elrond directed her. Beldaran simply nodded and took her leave to visit with her new friend. All three males watched her leave. Then Elrond eyed the other two. "Do not hurt her," he warned harshly, reading much in their faces. "She is a precious gift to us all." Both males took the warning for what it was. Elrond too cared for the girl despite himself. They simply nodded their heads and then continued to watch the girl return to the house.

Beldaran found Arwen easily. Servants were expecting her and she was directed to the lady of the house. Arwen had prepared to have a light meal and was glad when Beldaran arrived. They sat and began eating before Beldaran cocked her head, as if suddenly realizing something.

"You are very lucky to have Aragorn’s love," she commented. Arwen’s head snapped up in surprise.

"How did you know?" she whispered, It was not something readily discussed in Rivendell. The love of the Evenstar for a mortal man.

"I am a woman," Beldaran scoffed. "And I have eyes. Your love is so strong for each other that it shines through every movement and word you make." Arwen leaned back in her chair, stunned. Beldaran grinned until another thought crossed her mind. Arwen noticed and pounced on it, hoping to get the woman off the subject that was sweet and painful for her at once.

"What is it, little one," the endearment slipped from her mouth, but she did not regret it.

"Legolas," she murmured her face aflame. Arwen studied her for a moment.

"What about Legolas?"

Beldaran glanced up, seeing understanding and friendship offered in the other lady’s eyes. "He…scares me a little."

Arwen thought she understood what the girl meant but wanted to be sure. "Scares you physically, or scares you by the feelings he evokes in you?"

"The feelings."

Arwen nodded. "Have you ever felt this way before?" The girl looked miserable now.
"In other lives, I have," she admitted, her face still red. "But me, the person I truly am, never."

"So you remember these feelings you have had before?" Arwen struggled to understand the duality the girl must be feeling.

"I lived so many lives," Beldaran tried to explain. "And in most cases, things followed the normal course. I loved and even married. But it wasn’t really me. As I am, in my world…I am innocent."

"Yet you know more than you ought." The redhead nodded. "And Legolas is making you feel more than you are prepared to handle right now?" Another nod. "Ah, little one. That is a difficult matter. I think the best course is to let things move slowly. Let yourself get to know Legolas. If love grows, between you, the rest will be easy."

"I can do that," Beldaran sighed. "But Legolas… he already seems to want more from me than I am prepared to give."

"Be honest with him," Arwen counseled. "If he cares for you, then he would never do anything to hurt you. Or push you beyond where you are comfortable." Beldaran contemplated her words and slowly agreed. They were silent for a moment, and then Arwen artfully distracted the girl, regaling her with tales of her people. They finished their luncheon in better spirits each, now fast friends and glad of it.

Chapter Six

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