Friday, March 9, 2012

Fiction DA26- The Confession

Chapter Twenty-six

The Confession

Giles was enjoying a late night drink before bed when the knock came at his hotel door. He sighed and set down the drink and the book he’d been reading. He rose to his feet, still a little stiff from his recovery. He ambled to the door and checked to make sure he had a weapon handy. Even after all his years, he still maintained certain habits. Just because the Hellmouth in Sunnydale was eradicated, didn’t mean there wasn’t still danger abounding.

"Who is it?" he called.

"Giles, it’s Max," came the reply, a little muffled. "Can I come in?" Giles smiled slightly and swung the door open.

"Hello Max," he began, but when he took in the full measure of his biological daughter, he stopped short and swallowed hard. Her body seemed a mess of bruises, her hair hung limp around her face and she was leaning against the wall, one arm wrapped around her waist. "Good lord," he whispered, then sucked in a breath. "What happened?" She reached out her free arm and he took it and helped her into the room. It did not answer one of the questions tumbling through his mind. He hoped that she hadn’t been turned, but since he knew that the others had seen her that very day, in the sunlight, it wasn’t likely. Still, vampires didn’t need verbal permission to enter hotel rooms. He decided to be wary, which was second nature to him. It also came to his mind that if she were a vampire, she’d heal more quickly, but then again, she healed quickly in her natural way. So he waited, carefully, with baited breath, for some sign. The even rise and fall of her chest was his answer. His breath came out in a whoosh as he gently felt the thrum of her blood through her wrist that he held.

Max, with Giles’ help, limped over to the sofa. He eased her down to it, then stood, regarding her. Ever since they had discovered that Max was his daughter, he hadn’t known how to react to her. She certainly didn’t behave as if she needed fatherly guidance or attention, but she didn’t push him away. They were still getting used to each other. But Giles took it as a good sign that she had turned to him for help.

"Um," Max wasn’t sure how to explain to this man, still a stranger in many respects, what exactly had happened. It wasn’t as if it was a random fight that she’d wimped out in. She was really hurt. "It’s hard to explain." She was certainly embarrassed that she would even consider having this conversation with anyone, let alone her sort of father. "Can I give you the details later?"

"O-of course," Giles stammered. "Was it a fight?"

"Sort of," Max tried to shrug, but the motion pulled at her ribs and she inhaled sharply. Giles was on his knees supporting her in an instance.

"How bad is it?" he demanded.

"Mmm, concussion, two cracked ribs and some scrapes and bruises," she rattled off the list. Giles’ features tightened at the casual way she treated herself.

"Max, you should be in the hospital," Giles lectured. She glanced up at him with a grin.

"I already was," she chuckled. "But they wanted a blood sample, so I cut and ran." Giles ran a hand over his face. He could understand why she would. Her blood abnormality was one that she protected fiercely from prying eyes. He knew that if anyone discovered the stem cells flowing in her blood, especially when she wasn’t pregnant, they would be all over the medical marvel. And that was the last thing his daughter needed.

"All right," Giles conceded. "What do you need?" Max smiled at him gratefully and he felt that shock once again, to see Jenny’s wide smile in the face before him.

"A bath, some clean clothes and a little sleep would be great," she sighed. "I’m so tired, and my head hurts."

"Well I should bloody well think so," Giles chuckled. "What with the concussion and all." Max reached out and squeezed his hand. Tears threatened to fall and seeing this, Giles patted her hand and then stood, his innate courtesy allowing her a moment to herself. He moved to the bathroom and ran a warm bath for her, then rummaged through his clothes. He didn’t find anything there that would fit her, so he decided to set out the terry cloth robe the hotel provided and a long shirt. They’d figure out clothes later. He returned to the sitting room and helped his daughter to her feet. She wasn’t unsteady exactly, but they both seemed to need the contact. He to assure himself that she would be all right and her because she needed a friend who wouldn’t pry.

"Do you perhaps want me to call Cordelia?" he asked as he left her standing before the tub.

"I think I can manage," she told him. "I’ll give her a call later."

"Right then," Giles nodded as he stood in the doorway. "I’ll knock in fifteen minutes to make sure you don’t fall asleep. "

"Thank you."

"Anything for you, Max."

Giles returned to the sofa and watched the clock, checking on her as promised. Although it was unneedful. She hummed the whole time she was in the bathroom, more to reassure him that she was awake and aware, than because she liked humming. Once she was ready, she got out and had a good look in the mirror at herself. She’d been banged up worse than this in the past, but what scared her most was seeing the bite marks Angel had put on her, and sickeningly, the thrill of passion she felt at his possession. She shook her aching head and carefully toweled herself dry. She donned the shirt and robe that Giles had left, but was unable to tie it shut, due to her ribs. With a quick check to make sure that her hair was covering the most obvious bite mark, she ambled out of the bathroom, only to see Giles turning down the bed for her. He motioned to her and she let him tuck her in. So many emotions raced through her mind as she drifted to sleep. The best of all was that she finally had a father to love her.

Giles crept out of the room, but left the door ajar in case she needed him. He sat and returned to his book. But the events of the last half-hour consumed him. He wondered what had happened to Max in a fight that she couldn’t share. Even with him. Frowning, he set the book down and sat in the semi-dark, listening to the silence until finally another knock at his door shattered his reverie.

Angel had gone to the hospital where Max had been taken. Without a word to anyone, he’d picked up her trail and followed it. The cool night air helped return his senses as the alcohol wore off. He was almost completely sober by the time he reached Giles’ hotel. He sighed with relief as he realized that Max had gone to someone she could trust, instead of running away completely. He told himself to turn around and go home, but his stubborn feet walked into the lobby. He argued with himself all the way up to Giles’ room. There was no way that Max would want to see him, after what he had done. But he needed to be there for her to hurt, the same way that he’d hurt her. And there was no doubt in his mind that Max would react that way. However she had been violated, she would be strong. He shuddered at that thought. Staking himself was too kind. Immolating himself was just the same. After this, he wouldn’t have been surprised to spend another thousand years in hell.

Before he could stop himself, he was knocking softly on Giles’ door. The older man answered swiftly and didn’t seem all that surprised to see him. "Angel, hello," Angel was wary, as Giles seemed in too good of a mood for someone whose daughter had been…violated. He couldn’t bring himself to say the real word. Giles stepped back to let the vampire in. He entered the room silently and jumped slightly when Giles shut the door behind him. "I’m glad you’re here," Giles muttered. Angel flinched. He knew how dangerous the man could be when riled. Especially when someone he loved or cared for was hurt. He’d nearly killed Angelus in retaliation for Jenny Calendar’s murder. Giles gestured for the vampire to sit. Angel did so with trepidation. If Giles noticed, he didn’t comment. "Max was hurt in a fight tonight," Giles explained. Angel felt a little tension go out of his shoulders. Max hadn’t told him. ‘Of course not, you idiot," he raged silently. ‘She’s too hurt, embarrassed, scared.’

"I was wondering if you could stay and watch her while I go get some supplies?" Giles asked. Angel, stunned, nodded in agreement. It was better for Max to confront him privately, if she didn’t want Giles to know. "I’ll just pop out then. She’s sleeping now, but with her concussion, she shouldn’t sleep too long." He found his coat and wallet, smiled politely at Angel and slipped out the door. Angel watched him go, then stood as well. He crept towards the door that was open a slight way. He pushed it open further and could see Max in the bed. She was laying on her back, breathing in an even rhythm. Relief swept through him. The memory of her motionless body was too much to bear. He would have turned away, but an involuntary movement aggravated her condition and a whimper escaped her lips. It worsened as she woke up a little and a moan brought Angel to his knees beside the bed.

Max turned her head to see Angel beside her. His face was a mask of concern. She licked her parched lips and he turned away with a shudder that he couldn’t conceal. Max’s eyes widened, her first thought that Angel was ashamed about having sex with her when he still cared so deeply for Buffy. She cursed at herself silently, the pain and rage at what her life had become in these times overwhelming her. She began to cry. She tried to turn away from him, but was hampered by her ribs and the bed sheet.

Angel heard her cry and it tore his heart. He reached for her, one hand cradling her cheek. She nuzzled into it for a moment before pulling away. Shame encapsulated him. He’d done this to her and her retreat from him was worse than all the punishments he could ever have imagined. "I’m sorry Angel," she cried softly. "So sorry." He sucked in an unneeded breath. He leaned forward.

"No Max, no," he whimpered. "It was my fault. I’m the one who hurt you. God, I never meant to. I don’t know why…" he trailed off, crying softly. Max stared up at him in amazement.

"You didn’t hurt me," she spoke softly, wondering what he was thinking. "I mean, physically yeah, but you’re a vampire, I was expecting that. I mean, not that I’ve ever had sex with one before, to my knowledge, but really-!"

"Wait a second," Angel interrupted. Her admission floored him. "I think we’ve got two different ideas about what happened tonight."

"Oh," Max nodded, her head throbbing. "It’s my fault," she admitted. She chanced a look in his eyes and wasn’t surprised at the confusion she saw there. "It’s why I asked Cordy to tell you to stay away." She certainly didn’t seem to be clearing things up for him. Perhaps a little more direct would help. "Angel, you know I have feline DNA in me, right?"

"Yeah, what does that have to do with this?" the confusion was mounting.

"I hope you know how embarrassing this is," Max chuckled. It was strange; she’d always been shy, ashamed about this part of her life. But with Angel, who’d already dealt with so much, it was easier. "Feline DNA. Phases, cycles…mating?" she spoke in a teasing manner, hoping to deflect some of the shock. Angel was silent for a moment as he made the connection.

Oh my God!" he hissed. "You mean, you were…?"

She blushed deeply and he smiled slowly. "Yeah, I was in heat," she confirmed. Angel shook his head, the night’s memories starting to return. When she had answered the door, his body had responded to its call in predictable vampire fashion. He hung his head as memories tumbled over him, their whole time together coming back to him. And immediately on top of that was the sudden wonderment of why he hadn’t reverted back to Angelus. He shook his head. He could deal with that later. He hadn’t and that was all he needed to know at the moment.

"But Max, I still had no right," he ground out. She studied him for a moment, understanding of his point of view coming to her. He’d believed that he’d hurt her, violated her. Nonconsensual sex. She knew she had to nip that in the bud immediately.

"Angel?" he looked at her, the pain of his actions still evident on his face. "Didn’t you hear me when I said yes? Tonight I mean, at my apartment. You came in, I said yes and then we, well you know." Angel thought back to the beginning of their encounter. She was right, she had said yes. Screamed it in fact, many times over. A low chuckle started in his throat.

"Actually, now that you mention it, I seem to remember hearing that word a number of times," he smiled, still chuckling. Her blush grew even deeper. "But still, this whole thing."

"I know, I’m sorry," she cut him off. "That’s why I wanted to be alone. This damn thing that Manticore tricked up inside me makes me so crazy. You saw that. You couldn’t help how you responded. I mean, no harm no foul, okay?"

"What do you mean?" he was suspicious.

"We’ll just chalk it up to an interesting experiment and forget about it," Max got out in a rush. She would have said more, but Angel silenced her with a finger over her lips.

"Max, I’ve been wishing for this ever since you showed up at the office as Cordy’s new roommate," he admitted. He could have cursed at himself, putting his feeling on the line like this. But he couldn’t wait and hope like he had with Buffy. If anything, that had taught him to grab things when he could and treasure them for what they were.

"You were?" she whispered in a small voice. She couldn’t believe that Angel, the vampire with a soul, the guy she’d been dreaming about for weeks was reciprocating her feelings. She reached a hand up to cup his cheek as he had done to her earlier. She tilted her head up, inviting him. With a strangled whisper, he caught her lips in a searing kiss. Max wanted it to go on forever, but the movements caused a sharp pain in her ribs and she gasped. He pulled back anxiously. "My ribs," she said by way of explanation. He smiled, relieved, then sat back.

"You need to get some more sleep," he instructed.

"Will you stay?"

"Forever," he assured her. He carefully climbed onto the bed next to her and helped settle her in a comfortable position. She fell asleep, her head cradled on his chest. Angel smiled, feeling a little closer to the redemption he so needed.

Heat, Take Two

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