Saturday, March 24, 2012

More SDTV Questions

Okay, so I get up and everything seemed fine. Decent hour, slept mostly through the night. My second eldest had to bring home one of those interactive "babies" on Thursday. So I had a good laugh at her journal through the night. 7 this morning, it's fucking illegible! She is so sleep deprived! But then things went downhill. I have a cut on my toe, my feet hurts because I stepped all over rice that someone spilled and the six year old insisted on playing with her tin yo-yo that was so fucking loud!

Anyways, want to cheer myself up with some more questions of the day. Since in a few minutes, hubby will be getting up and taking over the computer for the rest of the day. Here we go:

6) What is you hidden or secret talent?
A: I don't really have a hidden talent. Not many people aside from my family know that I can play clarinet, guitar and a little piano. Not well, but I can play. Um, but I guess I really have a talent for making my eldest two kids and K1's boyfriend really paranoid. And when I say really? We could make a reality tv show out of it. But I don't consider that a talent... It's a gift!

7) If you had a baby, what would you name it?
A: Very simple and obvious, because I have 4 kids. But, I have all girls, so I figured we'd go with what I'd name a boy to keep it interesting. For the longest time, I wanted to name a boy Stuart James, which onvolves so many long stories, but the main one was because when we were teens, my brother and I shared a telephone line. Instead of listing it as a children's line, my father tried to register it under my brother's name. Well the phone company screwed up and put the listing as LAST NAME, Stuart. (Protect my family name here!) So a friend of ours, was trying to call us, but couldn't remember the number, so he looked it up in the phone book. He didn't find us, but recognized our number when he saw it. Later, he was over visiting and he saw my brother's graduation photo, in which my brother was wearing contacts and it had been airbrushed to make him look great. So this friend says, oh hey, that must be Stuart. My mother (!) was like, oh yeah, he's away at college. This friend was like oh? And my mom is like, yeah, didn't you know your friend was held back in seventh grade? So that started the whole thing and we had our friend going for more than three months that my brother had a twin!

But, as for today, if I had a boy, I would probably name it Jackson Daniel and yes, after the booze. Why? Because it shocked my mother in law and my mom and I love the name Jack. Plus there is no one in either of the families that have those names, so we wouldn't be offending or tributing anyone.

8) What's your favorite food?
A: So easy answer. Pickles and bananas. And yes I will eat that combination together. You pick out the perfect ripeness of banana, not too green, not too mushy and pair it with a juicy baby dill and it's delish! Oh, and raspberries. I love anything raspberry. Which K1's bf knows and exploits constantly.

9) What celebrity would you be too afraid to go up to?
A: If it was a celebrity I liked, not one of them. I think I can be pretty cool when the occasion calls for it. But I  think that I might squee my pants if I ever met Weird Al Yankovic. The guy is so friggin' awesome!

10) If you could have any wish in the world, what would it be?
A: I hate questions like these because my answer is so self serving or so romantic that people roll their eyes and are like "no one is that caring or selfless". I don't know. I think I would wish to live at least another twenty years, guaranteed. I have this secret fear that I'm going to die when my little girls are still little. And it terrifies me to think of how my husband would try to cope, since we're so far from family. I just really want to make sure that my hubby and girls are taken care of if something happens to me.

So that's it. Try another five tomorrow when the computer shall be mine again. Oh, I get to go to an auction today! Love them, just hate it when hubby goes alone because he comes home with the most useless junk! Thinks it's gold.

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