Friday, March 9, 2012

Fiction DA44- The Sandeman Returneth

Chapter Forty-four
The Sandeman Returneth

The days that followed Angel’s resurrection were full of celebration. Max had called Giles to let him know that they were coming home. She’d contemplated surprising them, but after imagining their reaction to seeing Angel, possibly Angelus, decided against it. So she told her father the truth, that he’d finally Shanshued. Angel had looked strangely at her, never thinking that he’d actually told her that word. He shrugged it off, believing one of the others to have mentioned it. She in turn didn’t mention the voices she’d heard. Not then. The time for deep conversations would come later. All they wanted to do at that moment was live.

Angel had been eager to get back to their daughter, wanting to make up for the fright he’d given her. Max laughingly insisted that she’d probably forgotten why she’d been crying two minutes after she started. But just the thought of her daughter crying prompted the usual physical reaction. So they hurried home. Before they could even climb out of Spike’s DeSoto, their friends and pseudo family was pouring out the doors.

"I knew it!" Willow was shouting, jumping a little beside Kennedy. "I knew the curse wasn’t broken." Gunn and Wes were babbling on about how good it was to see him. Fred simply stared in awe. But they fell silent when Max managed to herd them into the hotel. Giles stood there waiting, Cordelia beside him. Eva was nestled contentedly in his arms. A tear slipped down Angel’s cheek as he took in the serene picture they made. Giles shuffled forward carefully, not wanting to wake the child. He stopped just before his daughter and her mate.

"Welcome home Angel," he spoke softly, a kind smile on his face. He held Eva out and Angel beamed as he took his daughter once more.

"Thank you," he whispered. He kissed Eva’s forehead. "I did it baby. I made a promise and I kept it. All for you and mommy." Max’s lips trembled as she listened to him. She sidled up to him, although she’d never gotten very far away and wrapped her arms around his waist. Angel tilted his head to rest atop hers as they both watched their miracle sleep. Finally, someone clearing his or her throat caught their attention. It was Cordelia. But instead of the gloating, smug features they would have expected her to wear, there was sadness instead. And fear. "Cor, what is it?"

"I- I have a confession to make," she began slowly. She glanced away, then steeled herself. "I remember." Angel stared at her, confused.

"What do you remember?" Max asked. There were myriad things she could be referring to.

"I never had amnesia," she admitted, biting her lip.

"But why?" Angel frowned.

"It was necessary," she told him baldly. "After I ascended to the higher plain, I was watching over you. That much was true. And I was eventually given knowledge of what the Powers planned to have come to pass. I knew about Max’s coming a few years ago."

"You knew?" Max was dumbfounded, as were the others. Cordy nodded.

"When I returned," she paled a little, "God this is hard. When I returned, I wasn’t in control of my actions. I was here, but kind of… shunted off to one side. I knew everything that was happening, right up to my being pregnant. Things kind of get hazy for me then. And I’m so sorry," her voice cracked, "for everything you all went though. But it was necessary."

"Why Cordelia?" Wes implored. They’d been through hell these last few years.

She quickly wiped her tears away. "It was partly a test, partly to secure your second destiny," she addressed Angel. "The Powers needed you two to be together. That’s why I woke up when I did. Memories intact, my visions fully functional, just in time to intercept Max and work to bring you two together."

"Why did we need to be together?" Max asked softly, although she thought she already knew the answer. Cordelia reached out a trembling hand and stroked Eva’s face.

"For her," she whispered. "For Eva. We’re going to need her down the road." Angel looked ready to argue, but Max stilled him.

"She has some sort of destiny or prophecy to fulfill?" Max asked gently. It didn’t seem to her to be such a burden anymore, seeing the reward she’d gotten in the end.

"We all do," Cordy shrugged. "We all have to live in this world. ‘Cause, you know, it’s the small parts that make up the big machine." She looked about helplessly, finally lacking the words she needed to explain. Angel handed Eva to Max, then took hold of Cordelia’s arms. She was full of trepidation.

"I get it," he affirmed with a smile. "Thank you." He pulled her into his arms, alternately patting then rubbing her back. He let her loose and Cordy smiled again, then glanced over her shoulder with a suspicious look on her face.

"What was that for?" she demanded with a hint of her old self.

"Just patting you on the back for a job well done," Angel smirked.

"And about time too," she cried indignantly. The others laughed; glad to see the balance among them restored. Cordelia turned to Max. "Forgive me?"

"There’s nothing to forgive," Max shrugged it off. "Hey, I lied, you lied, together we kicked that prophecy destiny thing in the ass. Girl power honey!" Cordy and Max’s laughter gurgled together. And as easily as that, all was forgiven and forgotten. Except naturally for Wes, eager to dip into research and pick Cordelia’s brains about certain matters.

"Well," Angel finally interrupted the silliness that was ensuing, "if you’ll all excuse us for a moment, or two, I have another promise to keep." The women sighed as Angel swept Max and Eva into his arms and carried them into his office, shutting the door with his foot. Spike and Gunn just exchanged amused glances.

Angel cradled Max in his arms as he lowered himself into his chair behind the desk. She nestled her head under his chin, silently watching their daughter. She sighed contentedly. "Can this day get any better?"

"I think it can," Angel replied softly. Max smiled.

"From broody to optimist all in a few weeks," she teased. "Quite a change."

"A very welcome one," Angel grinned.

"So what do you think would make all this better than it already is?" Max queried. Angel simply turned the chair a little so he could reach his desk drawer with his free hand. He pulled it open and fiddled for a moment before turning them back to their original position.

"Say you’ll marry me," he whispered in her ear. Max glanced down, her eyes going wide when she saw what he had secreted away. There, nestled in a simple black box was a vintage diamond engagement ring, set in platinum with a matching wedding band. She gaped slightly at it. "Max?" he prompted, slightly startled at the tear that slipped down her cheek. "Baby?"

"Oh Angel," she sniffled, still staring at the ring. "Oh God, I never got it until now."

"What’s that baby?" he asked gently.

"Why on earth two people would pledge their lives to each other in this mess we call life," she shook her head. "I always thought marriage was a cop-out. Two people declaring a promise that they had no way of knowing would hold up when faced with real life."

"And now?" he asked hesitantly. She smiled up at him brilliantly.

"Now, I know it’s a promise that I can and will keep."

"So that’s a yes?"

"Yes Angel, yes."


Two weeks later, still basking in everything they did together, the couple made their way up to the lobby of the Hyperion, guests of honor at a lavish engagement party. Cordy had outdone herself in the planning and execution of it. Friends were all invited, glad for the chance to dress up and celebrate. Max was sparkling and Angel was overjoyed. It was a wonderful sight to see. Giles was nearly prancing around as he showed of his granddaughter. Eva was thriving under the attention, performing admirably well under the expectations they all had for her to coo and blow bubbles at them. Occasionally, Max would sneak her away for a private necessary moment, with Angel joining them each time.

Max showed off her engagement ring eagerly. Laughing at and agreeing with various plans for bachelorette parties. And baby showers. Making plans for her dream wedding. Finally getting to be a normal woman for once, a dream she’d carried all her life.

Angel was in a similar boat. Trying to fend off suggestions from Spike about the wedding night. Discouraging Gunn from more than one bachelor’s party. Discussing honeymoon plans, and getting advice. When it was too much, he’d simply glance at his fiancée or daughter and know that it was all worth it. They still had a ways to go, but they would do it together.

And as midnight rolled around, the champagne still flowing freely, Max returned from settling Eva into her portable crib in the office. She motioned to Cordy to get the hostess to tone things down, since the baby was sleeping. The woman had carefully tapped her glass with a fork, and the crowd turned to expectantly, waiting for her toast.

"To letting sleeping babies sleep," she announced, holding her glass up. There was general laughter, until she pointed a warning finger to the room in general; "I mean it! Don’t think I don’t." The laughter was quieter this time and they all drank. Conversation was softer after that. Max moved towards Angel, intending to drag him out to the dance floor. In all this time, they’d never had that promised dance. With a small smile for the group of people he was with, she took his hand and led him towards the area designated for dancing.

"What are we doing?" Angel asked, bemused. But before she could answer, her entire body stiffened. "Max? What is it?"

"He’s coming," she intoned softly.

"Who baby?"

"Sandeman," she told him. She dropped his hand and moved towards the outer doors. Angel gaped at her, then quickly set his flute of champagne on the nearest table.

"He’s coming now?" he asked when he’d caught up to her. She nodded absentmindedly, her eyes slightly glazed over. "Eva," he hissed, their child his first priority.

"Is fine," she countered benignly. She’d reached the door. Before he could stop her, she’d pulled it open.

"Hello Max," a hauntingly familiar voice greeted her.

"Welcome," she replied and gestured the figure in. Angel gaped when an exact replica of Giles entered his hotel. He heard the shocked ‘Good Lord’ that their Giles uttered from behind him.

"Nice to finally meet you in the flesh Angel," Sandeman smiled broadly, then glanced over Angel’s shoulder. "And hello to you too Ripper."


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